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Chris's PoV

The kids started asking Colleen a lot of deep questions. I really hope Colleen can make it through.  Her eyes looked filled with tears that she was trying to hold back.  She was smiling, though, so that was a relief.  I told the kids to sit on the couch, so Colleen can sit down. She then explained what happened in a way the kids would understand. She is going to be such a good mother.

Colleens PoV

After I finished telling the kids the story, they asked to stay overnight.  I turned to Chris, and nodded.  He said, "ok, I have something to do at home, so I will have to go back. Before I leave though, I want to talk to Colleen."  So Chris and I walked into my bedroom.  "Hey," he grabbed my shoulders, "You are going to be a great mother, even without him." I started crying. "And what Rachel did, is what anyone would do if they were in that situation, including me."  We hugged,  then Chris left, and I wiped away the tears. I had to be strong for Bailey and Jacob, and I couldn't let them see me like this.  When I walked out, the kids ran to me and hugged me. It was so cute. " Are you guys hungry?", I asked. "Yeah", they both said.  We went to In n' Out. I haven't been here in what seemed like forever.  They ordered there food, and we ate.  We went back home shot a Colleens Corner, then just stayed up late watching movies for the rest of the night. It was fun, they cuddled with me during the movie.  When they got really tired, i tucked them in the guest room.  That made me realize, I dont even have a crib or anything for Noah.  Tomorrow I guess I have to go shopping.  

There you go guys I hope you like this chapter! Feedback please!!! Also, do you guys have any suggestions on another major event that could happen?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now