My life.

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Colleens PoV

Days slowly turned into weeks. Weeks slowly turned into months. I moved to a small apartment close to the hospital with Noah. I visit Josh everyday, and I keep praying and praying that he will wake up soon. It really gets to me, when Noah comes with me to the hospital, and he just stares at what is supposed to be his father.  I couldn't even explain to him what was happening, Rachel had to. I dropped a whole lot of subscribers too, so I can barely support Noah and myself. Rachel visits every once in a while, but I will never be able to look at my family normally ever again. I feel like I just failed everyone. Everything was fine before this happened, and I was finally getting used to being a single parent. After we found out Josh was in a coma, I have been feeling even more empty and depressed. I dont know if I should be looking at this in a good way, or in a bad way.   But  one day all of these worries turned into hope. It was a cold, wintery late afternoon, I was making dinner for Noah and I. Then the phone rang.   It was Josh's doctor.

Omg im so sorry I haven't updated in like a week. I have been very busy. And I'm sorry this is just a filler.  Feedback?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now