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Colleens PoV

Josh's doctor is Dr. Green

G: Hello, we have some news for you, Colleen. 

C: Yes?

G: Josh is..... in the process of awakening.

I dropped my phone in udder shock. So many emotions swooped over me, it was overwhelming.  Then, everything went black.

Noah's PoV

My mommy was on her phone, and all of a sudden she dropped it, and had a shocking expression on her face.   Then she just collasped.  I started yelling and crying, and i went over to her and tried to wake her up, but it didnt work.  Then I remebered that Aunt Rachel told me to call her if anything went wrong. 

I grabbed mommy's phone and called her.

R: Hi... Noah is that you?

N: Yyeeess

R: Why.. Why are you crying?

N: Mommy just fell on the floor and she wont wake up.

R:  ...

N: (sniffs)  What do I do?

R: ...Do you know how to dial 911?

N: Yeah i think so, please don't cry Aunt Rachel...

R: Okay, Noah, please dial 911 and the doctore will come.. I will be there in the morning ok baby?

N: Okay bye

R: Bye honey, everything will be okay, I promise.

Rachels PoV

Im freaking out. Noah just called me and said Colleen collasped. What if she's having another seizure?  What if its more serious this time? Will Noah be able to call 911?  I started getting ready to go to the airport, thinking of all the terrible things that could be happening right now. 

Colleens PoV

I woke up to the noise of Noah crying. Out of habit, i started getting out of bed, when i realized, I was in a hospital bed.  I looked over and saw Noah in Rachel's lap, both of them staring at me with tears in there eyes. 

Hope you are enjoying it! I will start updating every Saturday, and sometimes do an extra, because I have been very busy lately. Sorry. Feedback?

Joshua D. EvansWhere stories live. Discover now