Chapter one. The only demons are Men

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A man with bright green eyes materialized in a back alley, his aura flaring out for a moment, getting a responding flare. Permission to enter another's territory.

He hadn't doubted it. The owner of this territory had been friends with the man for millennia.

Smiling, the man stepped out of the alley, heading towards where the responding flare had originated, honing his senses to only register his host's chakra.
A flash of orange in the corner of his eye and a child collided with his legs, his impromptu assailant flying backward.

"Kill him!"

"Finish what the Yondaime started."


"Grab him!"

The child was already scrambling back up, fear and panic in his eyes as the mob closed in on him.

He met the man's eyes and the man remembered another child, older than the one he was looking at, with the same sunshine hair and sapphire blue eyes, glowing with fear and yet determination.

That was all it took to slide the child from stranger to precious one in the man's mind and before the child could run, the man grabbed his arm and spun, forcing the blonde behind him, keeping him from the crowd. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Good! You caught it!" A man yelled, drawing a knife. He wore the Konoha chunin vest and the man felt a surge of pride for a six year old who could outrun a middle ninja and anger that he should have to.

"What do you want with this child?" The man asked, his voice low and threatening. Anyone who was chakra sensitive would have felt extreme dread as the man's power rumbled beneath his skin.

A few in the croud, also wearing chunin vests, noticed and exchanged glances, a bit more wary than the civilians of this stranger.

"That's no child! It's a demon! It has to die!" Someone yelled. A civillian, his face twisted with hatred.

The man's eyes narrowed and he growled. "This child is under my protection. If you want to hurt him, well, I hate to sound cliche, but you'll have to go through me first and I'll tell you now, you don't have enough men."

The man knelt to pick up the little blonde boy. "Leave." He ordered, sending out a flare of power, a warning to the shinobi in the crowd that crossing him would be the last thing they did, and perhaps a beacon to those that would aid him, or at least call the authorities. The shinobi in the white masks watching from the roofs seemed a bit useless.

The child in his arms couldn't feel the flare as he was in the eye of the storm, the chakra moving around him in gentle waves before striking the adults with the force of a typhoon, but he could see it's effects in the suddenly worried shinobi.

"There are no true demons in the world other then men. I see many demons before me and none take the form of a child."

Another flare, this one far more obvious, cracking the concrete beneath the man who was not truly a man's feet, aura glowing the same sea green as his eyes, curling like flames around his body, wrapping protectively around the child.


Simultaneously, the entire mob went pale, some fainting where they stood or losing control of their bowels. Then, as a unit, they fled, dragging the unconscious with them and screaming about monsters in the shape of a man.

"Are you alright?" The man asked, asked, his sea-green eyes turning from as cold as the frozen north to a Caribbean island. "They didn't manage to hurt you, did they?"

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