Chapter 14. Divine Wrath

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The atmosphere was already tense as Kakashi came home, begging for his housemate's advice on how ro keep the last Loyal Uchiha from defecting.

Amahiko's advice of therapy was discarded, as the counsel of people who were not even remotely versed in mental health decided he didn't need it, and Yuago's suggestion about running him through an ANBU Training regime until he was too exhausted to even think of defection was also discarded and Tenzou's suggestion, which Amahiko wholeheartedly supported, was sealing the Uchiha into a tree.

Kakashi was about to go get Shikaku in on his dilemma when the front door opened.

Naruto rounded the corner but it wasn't Naruto's body language, which was far different from this powerful and controlled shinobi currently wearing his face.

"Kami-sama." He said, looking directly at Amahiko.

All conversation froze.

"Minato-kun." Amahiko said, staring impassively. "The seal I placed only allows you to take control when Naruto is in danger and not in control of his own mind."

"He is not." Minato continued, choosing to ignore Kakashi's pained expression. "After Kashi-Kun left training field seven, Uchiha and Haruno went home and Naruto decided to go to Ichiraku's alone to celebrate. Halfway there, he was attacked by ANBU in blank masks. Root."

There was an intake of breath and Kakashi's hand twitched as he seemed to simultaneously reach for his sensei possessing his student and a kunai.

"They dragged him to Danzo Shimira, who used a Sharringan to implant deep genjutsu on Naruto. That was when I was able to take control. The genjutsu was subtle, hypnosis that I recognize from Shisui Uchiha. Kotoamatsukami."

Amahiko whistled. "I had sensed his chakra fluctuating but I had assumed it was him getting some late night training. What was the purpose?" His voice had that same dangerous quality in it that all high level jounin did when they were ready to start cutting heads off.

"To tell you that since he was a shinobi, he no longer needed you. Do the bare minimum for his team and train with Root the rest of the time. Danzo wanted a weapon. I have been unable to dispel it, even with Kurama's help. He is not happy."

Percy took a deep breath. "Come here. I'll get it."

"May I speak to Kashi-kun for a moment first. I may not get another chance."

Percy tilted his head. "Try not to take so long that Naruto notices the time difference."

Minato bowed low and grabbed Kakashi, flashing them to the top of the Hokage tower.

Percy stood and looked at Yugao and Tenzo, who had finally after years of pestering, moved in last month, and had been filled in on the Our-Land-Lord-Is-a-god thing.

"Yugao. Fair warning. But Danzo isn't going to live to see the end of the year. He attacked someone under my protection, tried to take his free will. That is something I refuse to forgive. He will suffer and then die. He's lucky he's only losing his life and that I'm not going to stuff his soul in a jar so he never knows peace. If he had hurt Naruto, I assure you, the Shinigami is open to suggestions."

"Why wait so long?"

"The sea is patient, and I want him to realize who he has angered first."


Minato and Kakashi appeared on top of the Hokage Monument just as lightning struck the house of one Shimura Danzo, shorting out the entire district as it inexplicably flooded.

Kakashi blinked. "That's one way to take out your aggression."

"Something tells me he's only getting started." Minato said.


Kakashi and Minato returned 15 minutes later, having said some of the more pressing things but knowing time was limited.

Amahiko had Kakashi pick Naruto up as Minato retreated into the seal, and pressed his hands against Naruto's temples.

They glowed a soft sea green that Kakashi was starting to rapidly associate with Nature Chakra and not whatever chakra Amahiko used to fake being human.

Naruto shuffled and opened bleary eyes. "Ni-san?"

"Hey kiddo. You gotta be careful training or you'll get hurt and pass out in a field and then I have to have Kashi-kun come find you."

"Sorry, ni-san."

"It's alright. Just don't do it again. Now, off to bed."

Kakashi set Naruto down and the twelve year old stumbled towards his room.

"Councilman Shimura's house was struck by lightning earlier."

"Is that so."

"Blasted a hole through the roof, completely missed the lightning rod, and fried every electronic in a half mile radius."

"How unfortunate."

"And a few minutes later it flooded."

"That's just a string of bad luck."

"It's on a hill."

"Waves are a thing."

"And then a squall came by and blew out a wall and every window the thunderclap missed."

"Oh dear."

"Where did Yugao and Tenzo go?" Kakashi asked, knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere tonight.

"I think they're hiding under a barrier in their rooms."

"Percy!" Ayumu and Kenzo emerged from hiding under the Mist, which made Kakashi startle a bit.

"Draw and quarter."

"Dip in the Styx!"

"Hanging from the heavens with an anvil attached to their feet."

"Oooh! Eagle!" They yelled together.

"Don't worry. Danzo Shimura will soon be dead."

"Yay! Vengeance!"

"How ever, you two can go and give him a helping hand, with his paranoia."

Kakashi almost felt bad for Shimura.

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