Chapter 23. Tsunade

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Amahiko narrowed his eyes at Naruto, who was still asleep and slung him over his shoulder before walking outside to meet with his genin.

"Ano, sensei?" Hinata said, looking worried at the blonde. "Is he drugged?"

A beetle landed on the nape of Naruto's neck and Shino shook his head. "Just sleeping."

"Its Kakashi's fault. He's always late so my Otuto started sleeping in all the time." Amahiko complained. "I swear, I really will sell him to the Daimyo's wife to replace Tora this time."

Kiba snickered at that while Hinata just looked horrified.

"Alright. In case you didn't get the memo, we're going to go either convince the Godaime to become Godaime or kidnap the Godaime so I don't have to be Godaime."

"Sensei." Shino said calmly and Amahiko knew he had been busted. "Are you a Hokage candidate?"

Amahiko sighed. "Yeah, since before I became your sensei. But don't tell Kakashi because he's one too and if he throws his weight behind me getting elected I won't be able to get out of it."

Kiba was straight out laughing at him now. "Naruto's gonna flip."

"Your not gonna tell him either or the Daimyo's wife is getting two cats for New Years."

Even Shino cracked a smile at that one.

"Alright. Off we go. She was last seen in Tanzakugai so Hinata, prepare your best please take pity on me so I can stab you later face, Shino get ready to spread you allies to find her and Kiba, try not to scare her off."

And with that, they were off."

Naruto woke up an hour after they had left to a lecture and a beating disguised as a spar and a few hours later they arrived in the biggest casino town in Hi no Kuni.

"Alright. Shino, take Kiba and Naruto and scout out sleazy casinos and gambling dens. Hinata, you're with me. We're checking out sleazy bars and maybe onsens. If there is an emergency, Naruto, you know how to get my attention. Take off your headbands so the target doesn't make us the moment we make contactm Stay safe and stay together. Questions?"

After he answered several questions best he could, he handed Shino the picture ANBU snapped of Tsunade and headed for the nearest bar, Hinata on his heels.


Despite her meek exterior, Hinata was terrifying.

With their headbands marking them as shinobi hidden from view, and a henge hiding Hinata's distinctive eyes,, some piece of shit human asked Amahiko how much an hour with the 13 year old cost.

Amahiko didn't answer as Hinata leapt at the man and hit 64 Jyuken strikes for the first time.

"Time to go." He said when all the liquid in the building began floating in the air and Hinata could leap on her next victim. "Come on, kitten. Hes not gonna get up for a while. Let's go."

They checked out three more bars before Hinata jumped at the chance to go through an Onsen.

"Sensei. There was a man peeping but as soon as he saw me he paled and shunshined away."

"What he look like?"

"Long white hair, geta and a headband that said oil."

"Oh, just someone that hurt Naruto. Some people I know took exception to that and taught him why that was a bad idea."

Hinata must have realized that she wasn't going to get any more information out of her sensei and would tell Shino and Kiba about it before researching the man's identity herself.

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