Chapter 3. Interrogation

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Inoichi looked over the threadbare file on the guy he had been run out of bed to mindwalk.

Luckily he was used to such hours. Traitors were usually caught around dusk, and dawn, so he no longer had a problem going without sleep.

Rubbing his eyes, he set down the file, made of things Amahiko Olympia had volunteered himself. He had an especially big headache around the fact that instead of an age, there was just a greater than symbol followed by a 300 and a question mark. He stood and made his way into an interrogation room, where Amahiko sat, waiting for him.

"Sorry about the late hour, Yamanaka-sama." Amahiko apologized.

"It's fine. Just doing my job." Inoichi said. ""Let's get started. According to my files, you want to adopt Naruto, thye current Kyuubi Jinchuriki, but instead of spiriting him away like you usually do when you take in orphans, you decided to stay because of his Jinchuriki status?"

"Having a bounty on your head makes it hard to travel without being accosted. War makes travel in general hard."

He would be hunted by Konoha for taking Naruto and if the other villiges found out Konoha no longer had their Jinchuriki, war would break out.

Inoichi nodded. "Understandable. Have you ever had a bounty on your head?"

Amahiko thought about it. "Does your cousin putting one on you as a prank count?"

"I suppose not."

"Then only once. I was sparring with Hayato, another cousin, and we got a bit carried away, and I don't know who did it but we broke a mountain top and Kumo got pissed. It died down after I faked my death."

"How did you fake your death."

"A bastard child of a wood clone and fuinjutsu. Bounty hunter took the clone's head back to Kumo and by the time it dispelled, it had been buried."

"And what did Hayato do?" Inoichi asked, writing down Amahiko's answers. So far, he had been completely honest.

"He decided Kumo was his home and convinced them that a broken mountain was the best case scenario. This was back 80 so years ago but you might be able to find records."

"Kumo and Konoha aren't on good terms." Inoichi stated blandly.

"Oh yeah, Tsuki mentioned something about that last year. A botched kidnapping or something."

Inoichi didn't reply. "You mentioned wood clones. I thought only Mokuton could make them."

"Mokuton can. Wood release is a balance between water and earth. Give anyone enough time, and they can master any release."

"Then why does dual element release run in certain families?"

"Natural talent. Just like people with Yamanaka blood have an abundance of Yin chakra, people born into families like the Senju have an easier time finding the right mix. It's more instinctual for them. Somewhere in history, people just started blaming their genes for their inability and stopped trying to find the balance."

"So anyone can have Mokuton, it just takes more hard work?"

Amahiko shrugged. "Basically."

Inoichi nodded. "Are you really over three hundred years old?"

Amahiko laughed. "Yes. I was born a long time ago. I've seen a lot. I was told you were the best but be careful. Some of my memories, I used a jutsu to help remember. You might get lost in them if you aren't careful."

"Noted." Inoichi said. "If your ready."

Amahiko smiled and closed his eyes as Inloichi placed one hand on his forehead and held the other in a half ram seal.

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