Chapter 8. Talks

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Minato sat on the couch watching through Naruto's eyes as he had dinner and with Amahiko, a bowl of salt ramen in his own hand.

Yugao and Kakashi were both on assignment so it was just the new family at the compound and weren't expected back until next week. Tenzou was also on assignment and the Hokage hadn't assigned a substitute squad although Minato wasn't sure if that was because they were short-handed or Amahiko was trusted with the younger blonde.

Amahiko moved around to put the dishes up, moving out of sight, when suddenly he covered Naruto's eyes, hand glowing with healing chakra.

A wave of drowsiness passed over Naruto and the last thing he saw before Naruto closed his eyes was a seal blooming to life in Amahiko's palm. A forced mind dive.

Naruto appeared in his mindscape, fast asleep on the couch next to Minato as Minato felt like he was being pulled towards the TV.

Unable to resist he found himself opening his, or rather, Naruto's, eyes.

"Minato Namikaze. A pleasure to see you in person, if not the flesh. Do you remember me, Little Flash?" Amahiko asked, pouring himself a cup of sake and sitting back down in his chair on the other side of the table, the picture of ease.

"I take it you are the elder Kyuubi spoke of," Minato asked, trying to adjust and quickly to the smaller body just in case Amahiko was a threat to his son and he needed to move.

"Elder?" Amahiko said, tilting his head. "I suppose that's one way to put it. I'm rather sad, Minato, that you don't remember me. And we met in such spectacular fashion too. I suppose the fact we met in the Olympia realm would do a bit of a number on your memories. A refresher, is in order then. The mortals call me Amahiko Olympia. But I introduced myself to you as something else." He loosed some of his chakras for the first time since Minato had been placed in the seal. "Do you remember now, little flash?"

Minato's eyes widened as memories came rushing back. He remembered that strange place, were everything was bright and out of focus, and so loud, like being in the bell tower of a chapel until there was a hand on his shoulder and everything solidified into a golden temple, high in the clouds, creatures straight out of legend flying through the sky and a man in a sea kimono was helping him to his feet and saying that he was in the realm of the gods and his name was-

. "Perseus, god of the sea and storms."

Perseus smiled. "Good job. I just wanted to check on how your accommodations were since"

"They're fine. Thank you for the bar, Kami-sama."

Perseus grinned. "No problem. The Kyuubi?"

"Still caged, although he constantly tries to lure me out to the seal. He says he's lonely."

Perseus laughed. "He's in time out. Best of all, we didn't have to lift a finger. Thank you, little mortal." He grinned. "I'm sure Kyuubi explained what I did."

"Hai, Kami-sama." Minato nodded.

"Good. Perhaps we shall talk more later." Perseus said, standing up and walking over to Minato." I just wanted to let you settle in more before calling you out. Pull up Naruto's shirt so I can see the seal."

Minato tensed, but did as he was told.

Perseus held his hand over the seal, his eyes glowing sea green with no whites or pupils. Minato felt something shift, within the seal and Perseus pulled his hand away. "There. When Naruto unlocks Kyuubi's Chakra, you will have the ability to either force it back or take control, as you are now, along with if he is in a situation he and the Kyuubi are unable to escape from or is being influenced by either the Kyuubi or outside forces and is no longer in full control of himself. You, little Yondaime, are my back up plan should my protections fall through. I trust you understand what I mean." His voice became deeper, more dangerous, the monster that lurked beneath the waves. His chakra, pure, undiluted nature chakra, began to fill the room and Minato felt like he was drowning, unable to breathe, struggling to reach the shimmering surface of the water while the jaws of a massive sea monster closed around him.

"Hai, Kami-sama. I understand." Minato managed.

Instantly the pressure was gone. "Good then. Well, off you go. Naru-chan needs to finish his dinner. I gave you a little something in your part of the mindscape to keep you entertained. Enjoy."

Perseus tapped Minato on the forehead and the Yondaime was thrown back into the mindscape just in time to see Naruto return, sucked through the screen just as he had been.

"Hey, ototo. You can't stay up late if you're going to fall asleep over dinner. Yugao will use you for target practice."

"Sorry, Ni-san."

"It's alright. Time for bed anyways. I'll clean up here. If you're not up before eight, Asuma-san's and my spar should do the trick."

Naruto grinned, polished off his meal, and headed to bed, leaving Minato to think over recent revelations.

Getting off the couch he found a door that hadn't been there before.

Opening the door slowly, Minato's eyes widened at the absolutely massive library that was larger than the entire Municipal district of Konoha.

Minato spun in a circle, looking up at the shelves over five stories above his head.

Tables with sealing supplies were scattered through out thye room, along with signs pointing to different sections.

On the table closest to the door was a book with a scroll on top of it, Minato's name on the outside.

Opening it slowly, he found a note.

"This is a replica of my wife's, Annabeth, goddess of knowledge, wisowm and architecture, library. Please keep most of this knowledge to yourself. It was lost for a reason.

. Picking one up he read the title. Sealing for stupid mortals who don't know any better. By Jasmine Olympia, goddess of magic, sealing, and keys. There was more writing, hand written, the last word one Minato recognized from the sign of Amahiko's room, which listed his name in several languages.

Minato almost laughed, but instead buckled down and got to work. Perseus had given him these books for a reason and he had a suspicion on what it was.

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