Chapter 13. Team Eight

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"Team Seven will be Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto Uzumaki- Olympia, and Sakura Haruno. Under Jounin Sensei Kakashi Hatake."

Naruto looked annoyed at the thought of Sasuke being on his team, thrilled when Sakura was announced and absolutely terrified that Kakashi, who had been pranking Naruto rather viciously for the Icha Icha incident, was announced.

"I have the Dobe and the Banshee?" Sauske asked.

"Don't call people idiots when they can kick your ass, teme!" Naruto warned, eyes glowing with chakra in an intimidation tactic Amahiko taught him.

"You cheated!" Sakura yelled and Amahiko signed to Kakashi, who was hiding with him in the ceiling with the other Jounin sensei that the Olympia wished him the best of luck and offered the silver-haired jounin use of his liquor cabinet and dungeon.

"Team Eight will be Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame. Your Jounin sensei is Amahiko Olympia."

Kiba cheered while Hinata looked nervous and Shino looked moderately surprised. "Aw yeah! We got the most kickass Jounin to teach us. He put Kakashi, Shikamaru's dad, and my mother into the dirt !ll At the same time! With just ninjutsu!"

"You know him?" Shino asked.

"Yeah! He's Naruto's dad! Shikamaru, Choji, and I hang out at his house all the time."

Hinata looked down. "My clan doesn't like him but they respect him. He defeated Father in a spar. I haven't met him though."

Kiba nodded eagerly. "He's awesome! He taught me and Akamaru all sorts of tracking tricks!"

Akamaru barked in agreement.

Shino nodded. "And certain species of flying insects inhabit his lands above all others. I still do not know why but there are several rare species that do not exist elsewhere in fire country."

"Team nine is still in action so team ten will be Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka."

After the teams were announced, Naruto vanished out the window and came back with ramen, knowing Kakashi was going to stay in the ceiling for a few hours to read.

Meanwhile, Asuma and Amahiko moved out of the ceiling, pretending to have just arrived.

"Team eight?"

"Here, Sensei!" Kiba yelled, Akamaru barking.

"Yo. Meet me at my place." Amahiko said. "You have five minutes."

And then he vanished, Team eight, led by Kiba, following soon after, taking Naruto's example of going through the window.

They arrived within the time limit, panting hard but still okay."

"Glad you made it." Amahiko said, coming around the corner with a bowl of ice cream. "Alright. Let's do this. Take a seat."

He kicked his heel and four chairs grew from the ground in a circle.

Kiba and Hinata were obviously grateful for the seat and Shino sat down with dignity.

"Alrighty then. Why don't you tell me about yourselves? Likes, dislikes, ambitions. And something you want to learn. I can go first or one of you can."

Kiba jumped to it. "My name is Kiba Inuzuka. I like Akamaru, and my friend Naruto and learning new ways to track. I dislike people who don't like people before they even meet them. I want to be a Hunter-nin! Something I want to learn is a solid transformation like Naruto does. I've tried but he's not very good at explaining."

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