Chapter 6. Visitors and Lessons

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Minato had been in Naruto's seal for several weeks now and was pleased that both Kakashi and Yugao were able to spend time with him.

The TV that had been installed showed what Naruto saw when he was awake and from what he could see, he now understood why his benefactor, who the Yondaime was beginning to suspect was the green-eyed man Naruto called Ni-san, had made him a bar.

The first time Naruto had gone into the village without Amahiko using his Mist Jutsu, he was chased out of a store and had a bottle thrown at him.

That night, Minato had gone through roughly half of his alcohol stash and was rather grateful that, like the fridge, it was refilled at the stroke of midnight.

"Oh, Naruto." He said as another villager glared at his son. "I'm so sorry."


Amahiko was woken by the seals being examined and immediately noticed there was a presence on the roof.

Activating greater defenses with only a thought, focusing them around Naruto's room. With another thought he sent a jolt to Kakashi's room, ensuring he was awake since Yugao was on a mission.

He drew his sword and made his way outside, Kakashi meeting him, wide awake and a bit angry looking.

'On the roof.' Amahiko mouthed. 'I got him. Go protect Naruto."

Deep in the seal, Minato found himself being shocked awake, a light flashing, warning him that Naruto was in danger.

Amahiko slid through the night, noticing the full moon and immediately knowing who had come to play. "Thalia or should I say Tsuki."

Thalia spun on her heel, glowing in her silver battle kimono, the light of the full moon putting her in a spotlight. "Percy, or should I say Amahiko."

"Kakashi, It's alright. It's a friend of mine."

The silver-haired jounin appeared on the roof, keeping his distance.

"Lady Tsuki, Hatake Kakashi. Kakashi, Lady Tsuki, goddess of the moon, maidenhood, and the Hunt."

"Ooh. A Hatake. I haven't seen one of those in a while. How are my descendants doing?" Tsuki asked while Amahiko dragged Kakashi closer and forced him into a respectful bow.

"Descendants, my lady?" Kakashi asked. Amahiko could feel him trembling under his hand and knew that Thalia, who wasn't hiding her true nature under specialized seals like Percy, Leo, and Calypso did, was obviously non-human to anyone even remotely sensitive to chakra, practically drowning them in her presence, and making them feel very, very small. With the addition of the Full Moon amplifying her power, Percy was impressed Kakashi was standing, much less talking.

A wave of chakra flew from Percy's hand and coated the Jounin, it's effects aimed outward and shielding him from the oppressive effects of the moon goddess's chakra.

Kakashi took an easier breath and straightened, giving a nod of thanks to his landlord.

"Well, more along the lines of favored mortals." Thalia said, pulling her own chakra in as much as she could. If it wasn't for the property seals designed to filter divine chakra, the entire population of Konoha would know she was there. "I took a liking to a mortal girl and offered her a place in my Hunt but she turned me down. So I gave her my blessing. Her hair turned silver, her chakra affinity to lightning and her senses were enhanced so she could be a tracker. Her name was Hatake Sabuki. You are her descendant, and therefore mine."

"I'm afraid I have bad news, my lady. I am, as far as I know, the last Hatake. My clan was decimated in the second shinobi war leaving just my father, Hatake Sakumo. He committed seppuku when I was a genin."

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