Chapter 4. Tests and Paperwork

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Naruto rubbed his eyes and sat up, jumping slightly as he didn't immediately recognize the room.

Then yesterday came back to him and he grinned. "Amahiko-Nisan?"

Amahiko looked up from where he was slipping on his sandals, standard black shinobi ones instead of the traveling shoes he had on yesterday. "Good morning, Naruto. Would you like to get some breakfast?"

"Yeah, Dattebayo!" Naruto cheered, hurriedly getting dressed and throwing his own sandals on.

Amahiko finished wrapping his pant cuffs so they wouldn't move or be caught easily, before doing the same to his wrists. It felt strange to be in battle wear after all this time.

"Hey, Amahiko-Nissan? Why are you dressed like that? I thought you were a traveler."

"Your Hokage summoned me to the Tower last night while you were sleeping. We came to an agreement. I will be staying in Konoha for the conceivable future."


Amahiko smiled and ruffled the little boy's hair. "When I get a place to live, think you'll be able to move in and keep me company? I don't really like quiet."

Naruto froze. "Do you really mean that?"

"That is if you want to."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"Alright, roomie. I just have some Jounin ass to kick and then we can go house shopping. Come on. We'll grab some Dango for breakfast."



Naruto ran up to the Hokage, grinning like a loon. "Jiji!"

"Naruto. Good morning." Jiji smiled, ruffling the blonde's hair. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Amahiko-Nisan said I could come. He's gonna be a jounin, dattebayo!"

"I see." The Hokage said. Amahiko had indeed already passed the written Jounin exam above and beyond in the early hours of the morning, and the fuinjutsu test in record time before six, even sketching improvements to some of the example seals. He had also proven himself to be an amazing sensor, identifying several ANBU out of uniform after only meeting them once, and even a shinobi's elemental affinity if he got close. He had known what Naruto was the moment the boy got within range.

Inoichi had been rather shaken after delving into Amahiko's mind, finding far too many memories for his apparent age, lending credence to the man's claim to be older than three hundred, although from what Inoichi was able to see, Amahiko called himself older than three hundred the same way an elder called himself an adult.

"Some memories were hidden, but they were from before Konoha even existed so I doubt he's planning to destroy us," Inoichi said. "He even had a memory of meeting the Shodai and Madara before they begun building Konoha and fighting Uchiha who thought he was a spy."

Now it was time for Amahiko's physical exam.

Kakashi had volunteered, which got his eternal rival, Maito Gai, involved.

Amahiko had requested a swordmaster to duel, and Yugao heard from Kakashi her skills were needed, which meant her boyfriend, Gekko Hayate, who was also a swordsman, got involved.

When Amahiko heard about how his opponents were chosen he raised an eyebrow and said "What is this? A Picnic?"

The Hokage turned his attention back to the ring, where Kakashi had just jumped down, in jounin uniform instead of the ANBU gear he had met Amahiko in last night.

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