Chapter 23. Aftermath

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Orochimaru escaped because of course he did.

Apparently he had a built in way to escape the barrier and used it, leaving mud clones to take the beating.

The clones only lasted ten seconds but it was enough.

Hashirama and Tobirama chatted with Hiruzen for a bit before glancing at Amahiko and nodding.

A moment later they faded and vanished, back to the underworld.

Shinobi swept the streets, checking very nook and cranny for hidden enemy nin, every citizen of Konoha having to provide proof of residence before they were allowed to go home and shinobi, starting with ANBU and moving down were subjected to mind walks.

The Olympia all got Inoichi, much to the displeasure of other Yamanaka who wanted to get into the heads of the centuries old shinobi.

Two days later, the Olympia, sans Amahiko, Lee and Thalia, who had already returned to the wild, and Icylyn, who despised the heat with all her being and had ready returned to the land of Snow gathered on the top of the Hokage monument, over looking the devastation.

"Should we help or leave it to Percy's mortals?" Piper asked, multicolored eyed glittering in the setting sun.

"They'll be fine." Annabeth agreed. "Where is Will?"

"At the hospital. He says he may just stay."

The gods turned to see Nico sitting there, two familiar spirits at his side.

"I see you made some freinds." Ayumu teased and Clarrisse, who had been present

"They will be hunting down some troublesome souls in exchange for future immunity against Edo Tensei." Nico said, hood up and face cloaked in shadows. He was feeling shy after revealing himself to so many mortals.

"Back on topic." Annabeth snapped.

"Leave them to it. No more miracles for Konoha. I want to return to Kumo." Piper said, looking exhausted.

"Same." Jason agreed. "There is far too much vegetation and hills for the wind to blow freely here. I will return to Suna."

"I think I will check out Oto." Annabeth agreed. "So it's agreed. We leave and return to our chosen homes."

"It was lovely seeing you all outside of Olympia." Amika said, giving Calypso a hug. "You should come visit me in the mountains."

"You haven't lived until you've fallen asleep amid a desert sunrise and traveled under its night sky." Jason grinned.

"The same could be said for the mountains." Amika teased before vanishing in a swirl of flora wind.

"Stop flirting and propose already." Ayumu yelled. "Gods!"

"Yeah!" Kenzo groaned. "You do this every century. Marry her again!"

"I will when I'm ready. Tell Naruto I'll see him in the desert."

And then he was gone.

"Dramatic." Ayumu scoffed.

"Just like his father." Kenzo agreed.

"Go home!" Annabeth yelled. "And don't break the villiage any more!" Once they were gone she gave Calypso a hug and Leo a fist bump. "See ya!"

Clarrisse harrumped and vanished in a column of fire which made Leo scowl before he and Calypso headed home, leaving Nico alone with the Shodai and Nidaime.

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