I dont want to cook so Ill just order some pizza.

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Amahiko stretched, enjoying the feel of the sun on his face. Not that he would ever tell Lee that.

He could sense something in the air though, a vibration, a disturbance in his domain. 

"Well." Said Percy. "Some naughty Shinobi have been time traveling." 

He flashed, reappearing in front of a pair of Shinobi, one about Kakashi's age and the other with familiar blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"Warning, my master approaches." The device, shaped like a turtle in the hands of the blond. 

"Amahiko-oji?" The blonde blurted out. "I thought you said we were in the past?" 

The older shinobi blinked in surprise. "I thought we were." 

"You are." Percy confirmed, taking the turtle. "Roughly 30 years, Uchiha-san. And I'm guessing you are my dear Oututo's son?" 

The blonde blinked. "Oututo?" 

"You are Naruto Uzumaki's child?" Percy asked. "Only way I can see this little toy working for you, since it only works for me and mine." 

"Why do you look exactly the same Amahiko-oji?" The blonde asked, eyes wide in a familiar questioning look. 

"I moisturize." Amahiko said. "Now, Sasuke Uchiha. Tell me why your here and I'll consider not killing you." 

"Whoa! Kill him! We're all Konoha nin!" The blonde argued. 

"Uchiha is a rogue ninja. If he isn't dead in your time, then sometime must have happened." 

"I was pardoned." Sauske said, knowing it was useless. He had learned that an Olympia's wrath was something you did not escape. He dearly wished he had figured this out as a genin. 

Amahiko paused. "Very well. Why are you here?" 


"I had hoped that Kaguya was alone but it seems her followers have been hiding from Olympia. I will handle it." Amahiko said. "As for you two." Amahiko said. "I'll send you back and lock down the timeline here. Your Otsutsuki will be trapped between the tik and the tok when he arrives or be bounced back to your time." 

"But I wanna see Dad! Amahiko-oji! Please."  

Amahiko shook his head. "Sorry kid, but timelines are something only the gods can mess with safely. I'll send you back." 

The kid pouted. "Just a glimpse? Please?" 

Amahiko wasn't prepared to see an exact replica of Naruto's puppy dog eyes although he probably should have been. 

"Fine. But from a distance." 


"It really is genetic." 


"So what if I punted the brat into the time corridor. He's a shinobi, he'll be fine." Amahiko complained, knocking back a glass of Sake. 

Tenzou was nursing his glass, looking rather disappointed and annoyed he hadn't managed to escape the house before Amahiko had come home all annoyed and now had to deal with a god complaining about time travelers and small Blond Uzumaki ninja round two.

"Cats! Both of them! Gifts for the Daimyo's wife! Ha that will show the little brat!" 

Tenzou edged away. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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