A wild Death God appears

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The king was dying, hidden away in the mountains. 

"Can't you help him?" Yugao asked. "Your a god." 

Percy leaned back against the wall, face somber. "I can't. If it wasn't fatal I could but stopping Death? That's Lee's power, not mine, and even then, he has to take the length from another's life span. I can't rewrite the length of someone's life. I'm sorry." 

Yugao closed her eyes just as the king took his last breath. "Sometimes, I'm glad I'm not a god." 

"Sometimes, I wish I'm human." Percy admitted. 

Yugao wasn't sure what she had sensed that made her go on alert when she snapped awake, fingers tight around a kunai, eyes roving the cave as she searched for what had sent off her senses. 

No one but a sleeping Amahiko, Michiru, Hikaru and the King, the latter's heart beat growing fainter.

The kunoichi glanced back at Amahiko and realized he was awake, tracking something with his eyes. 

Quickly performing the seeing jutsu, she was surprised to see it fail. 

"Don't bother Yugao. Mortals can't see him until he's coming for them or if he chooses to reveal himself." Percy said, still watching something move through the cave.

Yugao gave the god a questioning look when the King took a deep breath and fell silent, face arranged in a peaceful smile. 

Yugao was in the presence of Death, and in a far more literal sense than ever before. 

Primal fear racked through her body, somehow knowing that the Shinigami had laid his eyes upon her, breath hitching in her throat as she fought back the urge to run

A wave of all consuming, powerful, and very familiar chakra washed over her, calming her heart and mind, wrapping around her in a protective embrace, and bringing with it the salty sweet smell of the Olympia compound.

"You have duties besides messing with mortals, cousin. I will see you at Council." Perseus warned. 

And then the presence was gone. 
Yugao could breath easy, the last of the tension leaving her body as Percy looked on in concern. 

"Are you alright?" 

Yugao took a moment to nod. "Yeah."
"He can be overwhelming, but I'm told that in the uncertainty of passing over, his presence is comforting, protective even. Nothing bad can ever happen to you again, because he is watching over you." 

Yugao thought back to Hayato's story, the boy sitting with him and comforting him, showing him the night sky for what he thought was the last time. "I can see that." 

"We will be smuggling the King and Prince out of Moon. The only way to do that is by boat." Captain Korriga said, looking exhausted. "We're counting on you Shinobi to pull up the rear." 

"You can count on us." Amahiko promised.

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