Chapter...I give up

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Amahiko flashed into the Hokage's office just as a team of genin were leaving. 

"Amahiko! I thought you were still in the land of Tea." 

"I didn't want to do paperwork so I didn't report in yet." Amahiko said. "I was with Shikaku." 

"Well, you and the genin are the only shinobi we can spare. Team Eight, Nine and Naruto are setting out with Shikamaru as lead. Join them. Shikamaru will debrief you more." 

"Yes, ma'am." 

"And as for your punishment-" 

"I'll pay off all your new gambling debts." 


"Shikamaru." Amahiko said, appearing a few feet away from the gates. 

"Amahiko-sensei!" The Nara said, twitching in that way all Nara did when a normal shinobi would have jumped away like a frightened rabbit. "I was informed that my team was the only available shinobi." 

"I was hiding from Godamie-sama in your dads office." 

"I see. Are you taking over as lead?" 

"No. I'm just here to provide backup and medical support." 

"I see. Thank you for coming. Have you been briefed?" 

"Not yet. I will be with the others."

Sauske had been spotted by Sakura, who had tried to stop him and was heavily injured in the battle. 

It showed that the pink haired genin had matured in leaps and bounds that she physically tried to stop the Uchiha instead of appealing with words and empty platitudes. Amahiko would speak with Kakashi about specialized training as a reward for the former fangirl. 

Sakura had then dragged herself to an alert seal and ANBU found her, aounding the alarm. 

"Amahijo-sensei's summons are not good for tracking, so we will have to go on foot." Shikamaru said. "Kiba. Akamaru, take the lead. Hinata, and Neji second, keep an eye out for traps. Amahiko-sensei, you take the rear guard. Everyone else, form up in the middle." 

And they were off. 

Kiba, Hinata and Neji took the lead and Amahiko fell to the back, while Shikamaru, Naruto, Ino, Choji, and Tenten formed up in the middle. Shino was on a mission with his father and Lee was still recovering in the hospital. 

"Hold!" Hinata yelled, and the team came to a rapid halt, alighting on a tree branch in a line. 

"There are traps up ahead." Hinata said, pointing out several paper bombs. 

"It's a perminiter barrier." Shikamaru murmmered. "It will only go off once we pass, getting the full brunt of the blast." 

"So we will have to go around." Kiba groaned. 

"We have a bigger problem." Amahiko said, pointing at the bomb. "I don't recognize the chakra." 

Shikamaru swore. "He has escorts. Can you tell how many?" 

Akumaru and Amahiko shook their heads. "I'm out of range. If I could sit and enter sage mode I could tell but we would loose track of them." Too fast and he would snap his seals and vaporize a decent chunk of forest and impressionable genin.

"We continue on then." 

"I can disable the perimeter bombs." Naruto said, pulling sealing supplies from his pouch. "Minako-chan taught me how." 

"Do it." 

Naruto nodded and crept forward, studying the paper bomb before scribling on a sealing sheet and throwing it like a kunai. 

The bomb fizzled and fell off the tree trunk. 

The genin and god continued on. 
Neji spotted the next problem. "There are Konoha nin up ahead." 

"I smell blood." Kiba announced. 

"Shikamaru!" Amahiko called up. "I need to go help them." 

Shikamaru debated for a moment. "Hurry back." 

Amahiko nodded. "Be safe." He said before deviated from the path.

Amahiko drew a kunai and parried the senbon shot at him. 

"I'm friendly." He called out. "I came to help. I think you ran into the guys my squad is tracking." 

"Amahiko!" Shizune yelled. "Thank the gods. Help me with him!"

"Oh, schist. Genma." 

A glowing hand passed over the worst of the Jounin's injuries. "What happened?" He asked as Shizune moved on to the other injured Jounin.
"We were returning from our mission when we heard someone moving through the trees. It didn't sound like Konoha so Genma and Raido went to check it out." 

"And thats when they beat the shit out of us." Genma coughed. 

"No talking." Amahiko scolded, weaving the Mist so Shizune didn't notice his healing chakra was gold instead of green. 

"We all know, Amahiko-sama." Genma laughed. "Hard not to with Tsunade bitching about the Olympia all the time. You don't have to hide. Not to mention I'm neighbors with Ayumu and Kenzo." 

"Shut the hell up before I turn you into a cat." 

Genma laughed at him.

Amahiko fixed Raido and Genma up as much as he could, summoned a pair of horses to take them to the village before taking off into the trees, making a mental note as he did so to find out just who in ANBU knew of the Stolls true nature.

He returned to the path, following the chatter of wild birds who were protesting the intrusion.

He came Across a battlefield, a teenager with an orange mohawk was unconscious. 

Scanning the area, he found Choji leaning against the tree, heartbeat slowing to a dangerous pace and more pounds then should be possible having burned off him. 

"Schist. What did I miss?" 

Choji wasn't the only genin he found. Next was Neji and Ino, both unconscious, Neji in worse shape then Ino. 

A man with webs sticking out of his mouth was dead in a tree and Amahiko didn't have time to do much more then patch them up quickly, summon a messenger horse and send them flying back to the village. 
Hurrying on, he found a dead red haired kunoichi, with Hinata in the middle of patching up Shikamaru, who was unconscious.


"Hinata! What happened?" 

"Shikamaru-kun and I stayed behind to fight Tayuya! Kiba, Ten-ten And Naruto are up ahead!" 

Amahiko quickly summoned Hinata's pegasus to take them back to the village. "Stay safe, Hinata." He ordered, helping Shikamaru into the saddle and strapping him in. "Tell the Lady Hokage what happened." 

"Yes, Sensei." 

And they were off.

Kiba and Tenten we're both beaten but conscious when Amahiko caught up to them. Unfortunately, Kiba had a broken leg and Akamaru was unconscious and Tenten had used all of her weapon scrolls. 

"I'm so sorry, Sensei. I'll make sure to start making more as soon as this mission is over." 

"It's fine, TenTen." Amahiko assured. "You both did great, especially for never having been teamed up before. Head back to the village and get yourselves looked at." 

"Yes, sensei." 

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