Chapter 9. Godaime

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Ever since Konoha's gossip circles did its work, Amahiko had several Jounin and Chunin atop by the compound, usually with gifts, asking for advice on elemental manipulation, or a spar against an elemental release that was rare in Konoha, or even just to test themselves against the Yooso-sensei, Elements Teacher, as Amahiko was beginning to be called.

When he complained to Kakashi and Yugao about his uncreative name, they told him to go make his own reputation and walked away.

Asuma was a frequent sparring partner/student, coming often to battle wind on the wind, trying new tricks, and attempting to get his control up to par with Amahiko's. He had been there earlier that morning with a gift of Dango from the shop Amahiko had met Anko at.

Other times Dragon-san, the ANBU Vice-commander, as the Hokage was the commander, would appear in the garden to pick up Amahiko's latest batch of prisoner transport and blood-based storage scrolls, sometimes with requests. Costs and losses had both gone down and Dragon was very pleased with the quality of work Amahiko had a shadow clone doing.

Another frequent visitor was Bear-san, the final member of Kakashi's team and the only Mokuton user in the village until Amahiko came along.

"Mokuton is unlike any other elemental release. Earth does not move on its own, water does not flow on its own. Only fire can compare, as it greedily devours should you lose control. But Wood Release as a mind of its own. You are not it's master, only it's a humble guide. The trees are alive in a way that the other elements are not, and that is why you have to work with them and not against them." Amahiko grew a plant, guiding it towards the sun with his palm. "Instead of telling the tree how to go, tell it where to go. It knows what to do better than we ever will. That was Hashirama's secret. Instead of trying to direct, just feed the plant and give a request instead. Go ahead and give it a try."

Bear focused and tried to direct the plant as Amahiko had instructed.

"Remember that Mokuton is a balance of earth and water. Do not forget the water in favor of the earth."

Slowly, instead of the rigid beams Bear usually gree, a natural little sapling burst out of the soil.

"Well done."

Another ANBU appeared in the Garden where Bear and Amahiko were training.

"Yes, ANBU-san."

"Amahiko Olympia, you have been summoned by the Hokage."

"I see. Naruto, I'll be gone a while! There are leftovers if you get hungry."

"Okay, Ni-san!" Naruto yelled from where he was practicing a Kata Amahiko had taught him. "See you later."

"Shunshin?" He asked the ANBU, and both vanished in a swirl of leaves.

They reappeared in the Hokage tower and the ANBU led him into the Hokage's office.

"Ah, Amahiko-san. Good to see you."

"Hokage-sama," Amahiko said, giving the younger man a bow.

"Come, take a seat."

Amahiko pulled out the chair and sat down as Hiruzen made a feature and all of the ANBU signatures vanished except for one.

"There, now we can speak in private."

"If that is true then why is there still an ANBU by the filing cabinet?"

Faster than Thalia's lighting, Hiruzen had lunged, pinning down the blank masked ANBU and calling for his guards to drag the poor bastard down to T&I.

Amahiko sat silently as he was dragged away, waiting with patience born from millennia.

"I apologize for that, Amahiko-san. I called you here to discuss several matters, the first of which is minorly related to our unwanted guest. Do you remember Danzo Shimura, from your exam?"

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