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"You want me to do what?!" Tsunade screeched. 

Amahiko closed the shoji door behind him, leaving Sandaime and Future-Godaime to talk. 

He left and headed for Anko's favorite Cafe where the purple haired Tokujo was working her way through Naruto levels of Dango. 

"Hey, Anko. How you holding up?" 
Anko downed another stick and threw it like a senbon, which Amahiko sliced in half with a gust of wind so it parted on either side of his face. 

"Better." She grinned, handing Amahiko a mango stick, practically a declaration of love from her, before settling back in her chair.  "Heard your clan beat the shit of of Orochi-bastard." 

"Wanna hear details?" 
"Fuck yeah. Don't sugarcoat it either."

"Your wish is my command, dear Anko." 
 Tsunade was sworn in a week later, only to send Ayumu and Kenzo to physically drag Amahiko to her office and make him do paperwork. "It's supposed to be your job." She would complain before trailing off with a stream of unflattering comments. 

"I have several immortal, extremely powerful Shinobi, two of whom only listen to the third and Dragon, one who is supposed to be stuck here instead of me, two that don't answer to me at all and others that pop in and out of Konoha with impunity." She said to Shizune. "I need a drink." 

Amahiko tossed her a flask. "Try this. Castor made it."

Taking a sniff, Tsunade took a sip before passing out in her chair. 

"Tsunade!?" Shizuka yelled, dropping her papers. 

Amahiko picked up the 1000 year old Olympia sake and vanished out the window. 
"So Sakura is leading team 7 in a quest to unmask you?" 

Kakashi nodded. "It's been rather amusing." 

"I imagine so." Amahiko said, lounging in the egg chair. "And those Shinobi Kenzo and Ayumu spotted?" 

"Oh yes, they've been trying to poison me but they keep missing in the shenanigans team seven has been up to. In fact, when they attacked at the end of our mission, Sakura blamed them as the reason they were dressed as rouge nin." 

Amahiko laughed. "And did you show them in the end?" 

"Of course. Everyone knows shinobi wear more then one mask." 

Amahiko chuckled. "Naruto has been trying to enlist Ayumu and Kenzo so be on your guard." 

"Will do. At least this mission was better than the ostrich." 

Amahiko laughed even harder. "Where are you heading next." 

"Ibiki's little brother is running in a race. We've been hired to protect him but I'm worried I may be called away. I was hoping you could keep an eye on them for me." 

"Of course." 

"Congrats on your kid making Chunin, Shikaku." Amahiko said, settling into the chair in front of the Jounin commander's desk. 

With a snap of his fingers, two boxes of Pocky appeared, the God taking one and popping it open. 

Shikaku gave a small smile and accepted the treat. "Thank you, Amahiko. Now, why are you really here?" 

"I'm hiding from the Godaime." Amahiko said shamelessly, chewing on a pocky stick. 

Shikaku had the gall to laugh.
A chunin burst into the room, looking harried, an armband denoting him as a messenger on his shoulder. "Sir. The Uchiha has gone rouge!" 

Shikaku face planted in his desk. 
Anko is allowed to say Fuck, change my mind.

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