Im aware you all love Jazz, and im holding her hostage. Votes! Votes! Mwahahaha

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"How did I end up the distraction again?" Amahiko asked, eyes narrowed. 

"You were out voted, sensei." Hinata reminded him. "Since the enemy thinks you're dead." 

Amahiko grumbled a bit more but weaved the Mist around the Caravan. 

"We were hired to perform at the palace. Please let us through." He said. 


A massive water dragon rose from the fountain, the animals clearing out quickly. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen! For our final trick, we will now perform a coup d'ete." He announced with a bit of a crazy smile.  


Yugao, Hinata, and Kakshi did their job well, taking down the remaining enemy nin, a well timed cut from Yugao reclaiming the Hand of Medusa. 

Even Hikaru helped, shooting a sharpened arrow right through the rope that was strangling his father and allowing him to drop safely into the arms of a ravenous water dragon. 

However, Amahiko's favorite part was when Michiru punched Shabadaba in the face. That was entertaining.

"I think I'm dying." Kakashi said. "Tell Tenzou I'll collect my 200 ryo in the next life." 

Yugao, with a nod from Amahiko, dropkicked the Hatake into the fountain that promptly began to glow. 


They stayed in the land of Moon for a few weeks, enjoying the sand, sun and surf and rather impressive entertainment district, all on the King's tab. 

Kakashi unknowingly got his ass handed to him by Jazz at Blackjack and Yugao learned some rather unique techniques from the mage that had Amahiko running for cover. 

Amahiko vowed to come back someday. Maybe with Annabeth and Naruto. Definitely not with the Stolls.


Leo carefully took the Hand of Medusa from Yugao, summoning a bronze chest and dropping it in. "I got a volcano with this bad boys name on it." 

"Which one?" 

"Humans haven't found it yet. It's deep underwater." 

Percy considered and nodded. "That should work. Now, who volunteers to report to Tsuande? Guys? Guys? Where did you go?" 

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