Chapter I dont care

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Amahiko shunshined into the middle of a three way battle. 

A Kaguya, a shinobi who used their bones as weapons was fighting against Naruto and Gaara, who Amahiko assumed had been sent to help out. The Kaguya was winning too. 

The God darted in, deflecting several bone shards that would have impaled his outdo in the chest, punching the air and sending the Kaguya flying backwards with Futon. 

"Nisan!" Naruto shouted, flipping to his feet. 

"This is the brother you spoke so highly of?" Gaara asked, sand lowering him to the ground. 

"Yup! He's the best shinobi in the whole  village!" 

"I see." Gaara murmured. "Perhaps, when we have retrieved Uchiha, you would spar with me?" 

Amahiko nodded. "No killing but everything else goes." 

Garra almost smiled at that. 

"Sauske is in that coffin thing!" Naruto called out, taking the brief respite to open a few storage scrolls, refilling his weapon stash and downing a few soldier pills, tossing two to Gaara, who's sand grabbed them and stored in his gourd. "We've been taking grabs at it when we can."

"I'll take the Kaguya. You two hoof it to the Leaf with Sauske. Don't open it. There's a barrier." 

"Tou-san told us." Naruto said. 

"Something I want an explanation about." Garra said, barely audible. 
"Later. Let's go." 

Amahiko launched himself forward, slamming the Kaguya, a torrent of water pushing them forward, several hundred yards from the clearing. 

"Your going to die here." Amahiko said. "Best leave while you can. I don't like killing kids." 

"I'm no child, I'm a shinobi. And I will serve Lord Orochimaru until my last breath." 

"So be it." 

Their battle was one of the tougher battles Amahiko had been in against a mortal. There was a reasons after all, that both Clarrisse and Nico favored the clan, until they became so blood thirsty they threatened the peace of the world and Annabeth manipulated events to put them in the path of Kiri. 

After that, the clan drove themselves to destruction, refusing to retreat or surrender until they were all dead. 
Amahiko, had he been mortal, would have either been dead of heavily injured in the course of this battle. 

"You fought well, Young one. Born to a cursed clan but you rose above their bloodlust to find loyalty, no matter how misguided. For that, you have my praise. Be at peace with your ancestors." 

Kimmimaro seemed to grin at that. "Well fought, leaf nin." 

And then the Kaguya clan was no more.

Amahiko stood, and returned to the village. 

Naruto was in the hospital and it was Amahiko's fault. 

He should have gone after his ototo instead of returning to the village, should have realized that the seal would break and Sauske would attack his little brother. 

Naruto and Kurama had to work together to battle, along with Gaara and Shukaku. 

According to Gaara, a new curse seal had been applied while they were traveling, a far stronger and aggressive version that transformed Sauske into some heinous chakra beast. 

It was best, perhaps, that Naruto was the Jinchuriki, and not Sasuke, for Kurama would have been unleashed long ago, whispering promises of power to the Uchiha that could not be countered by a kind heart and wise words. 

Amahiko leaned back against the wall, wondering why it was that he always got philosophical when he was angry with himself. 

Soft footsteps drew him from his self loathing and he turned to see Calypso in a soft white kimono embroidered with falling leaves, making her way into the medical ward. 

"Calypso." He greater, nodding his head in the goddess of the forest and all that grew there's direction. 

"Percy. How is the child?" She asked in Greek? 

"Recovering. He and Gaara should make a full recovery, especially if Kurama and Lady Tsunade have anything to say about it." 

"I had thought to offer my services as a healer to the village, as I had with the Senju long ago." 

"Tsunade would loose her mind about the Olympia even more then she already has." Percy laughed and Calypso grinned, having achieved her purpose. 

Amahijo crept into the Jounin Commander's office, silent as the grave, only for a kunai to puncture the wall kilometers from his nose. 

"Why is it you always sneak in here when your hiding from Tsunade?" Shikaku asked, not looking up from his paperwork. 

"Because your my favorite Jounin Commander of all time?" 

"Try again." 

"Because I despise paperwork and Tsunade's obsession with her No-Shadow-Clones in the Hokage tower rule?" 

"Better. Take a seat and make some tea." 

Amahiko had to laugh at how far the Nara had come from this timid jounin in terrified of being smited to a man who could order the god king to make him tea. It was character development. 

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