I think Ill fry up some tilapia. That sounds good.

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"Incoming!" Amahiko yelled, grabbing Hikaru with one hand and drawing his sword with the other just as a bomb detonated between the Shinobi. 

Before the smoke cleared, there was someone in Amahiko's face, reaching for Hikaru. 

He didn't have time, and spun, shielding Hikaru with his own body. 

Magic, dark and malicious and very familiar crept up his back from the point of impact. 

He shoved Hikaru and Hinata towards Kakashi before pushing everyone but the enemy ninja on him away with a burst of power, getting them out of the blast range. 

With a scream, his vessel shattered. 


He was floating, the familiar song of Nereids in his ears. 

"My lord, you awaken." Hamako said, voice vibrating in that watery way it always did in Atlantis 2.0.

"What happened?" 

"You were attacked with the Hand of Medusa. It has apparently been unearthed." 

"My squad?" 

"My sisters supported them. They are all safe. The silver haired one was healed by myself and both the purple haired woman and the white eyed girl are perfectly alright, along with the archer child. Unfortunately, the captain was killed before we could help and the fat one was taken by your enemies." 

"My seals broke. Have you sent for Jazzmine?" 

"Lady Jazz is already here." 

"Percy! My lord! My high god! Leader of Olympia! Strongest of us all! What the fuck?! You got your ass kicked by a chunin!" 

"Shut up!" 

Percy got dropped abruptly in a tree, courtesy of Jazz who was promptly off to wreak havoc is the Casinos by cheating outrageously with magic. 
Sliding down the trunk, Percy cast out his senses, finding his squad, several soilders and Hikaru in a clearing. 

"Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated." He said before Kakashi threw that kunai and Yugao decapitated him. 

"What's your birth name." Kakashi barked out. 

"Perseus." Amahiko answered, and both Jounin relaxed. 

"Sensei?" Hinata said, eyes bulging as she checked for genjutsu. 

"It's me. The petrification broke some seals I had. The Nereids healed me and got me back here." 

Hinata sniffles and leapt forward, burying her face in Amahiko's chest. "I thought you were dead! There's a crater!"  

"I won't leave until you're ready for me to." Amahiko promised. 

"We still have the problem of getting the Prince back and handling Shabadaba." Kakashi said, acting like he hadn't been worried at all. "I'm also concerned about the weapon that took our best jounin out of the picture, even if the Shinobi using it didn't survive." 

Amahiko sighed and cast a privacy barrier. "It's the Hand of Medusa. 10,000 years ago, my father and an unwilling woman insulted Chikako's mother by being in her temple when, well, that's not for little ears." He said, giving a glance to Hikaru, who was being comforted by Chamu, who had made a run for it to find his little human.

"Anyways, since Athena couldn't hurt Poseidon, she cursed the woman, turned her into a monster whose gaze turned anyone who looked at her to stone. Fast forward roughly 4,000 years. Medusa, the woman, was still running around and petrifying people and well, we stopped her by turning her into a weapon and releasing her spirit. Katori forged the Hand of Medusa, and hid it away. It has obviously been found." 

"That's why it hurt you." Yugao realized. "It's a divine weapon."

"Got it in one." Percy confirmed. "That being said, it's my responsibility to handle it. You take down the woman and the big guy. The leader is mine." 

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