Chapter 17. Several people vow revenge

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"What's with the cat?"

"I missed you too, Kiba." Amahiko grinned, dragging an irate kitten with silver fur and only one eye by the leash. "How was the past month? I heard you've been training with Team ten while I was on my mission."

"We learned lots." Hinata said, grinning widely. "We learned more about elemental chakra. Asuma showed me a C-rank water jutsu called Tripping Whirlpool."

"Hinata then proceeded to use it on Kiba whenever he got annoyed."
"I'll show you!" Kiba said, making it spring on Hinata only for all the water in the ground beneath his feet to spring up and spin, tripping the Inuzuka, although Akamaru managed to avoid it.

"It's sealless now." Hinata said, earning herself a high five from Amahiko.

"Shikamaru and I played Shogi and discussed battle strategy while Ino and Kiba got into yelling matches that Asuma had to break up and Hinata and Choji ate cinnamon buns." Shino said in a

deadpan, making the divine jounin chuckle.

"Sounds like you did some good training while I was away. Asuma let me know he mostly had you work on team spars and tactics so I'm proud of all of you. The report is glowing, even if Hinata almost drowned Shikamaru and Kiba trapped Ino in a tree that Shino siced his bees on."

The little hellions of team eight didn't even stop smiling at him.

"Ne, Amahiko-sensei, what's with the cat?" KIba repeated, determined not to let this one go.

Akamaru trotted forward, sniffing at the cat, who was at the farthest point he could reach with the leash that he was trying to gnaw off.

When Akamaru sniffed him, the cat jerked and nearly bit the ninja hound, who started barking at Kiba.

"Huh, Akamaru? What do you mean that's a person?"

"Amahiko-sensei?" Hinata asked. "Did you turn someone into a cat?"

"And more importantly, how?" Shino stated.

"Of course I didn't turn anyone into a cat. How would that even work in the first place?"

Cue three disbelieving faces.

"Clan secrets. I'll tell you when you're jounin. For now, everyone, meet Bakashi, the idiot kitty cat who thinks continuing a mission who's ranking went from C to A very fast with only wet behind the ears genin for back up and nearly gets himself murdered by a missing-nin with a sword complex is an excellent idea."

"Bakashi" obviously wasn't very happy with that description and tried to claw up Amahiko's face, which failed when the god grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

"You do realize Yugao is taking pictures in that tree over there, right? I know I cut off most of your chakra coils so you couldn't blast through the leash or get very far but you still have eyes, Bakashi."

"Sensei?" Shino asked. "Is that Kakashi-sensei?"

"No. This is Bakashi. No Kakashi anywhere in sight."

Bakashi glared at him, his right eye open to reveal a sharingan.

Amahiko's students gave him a look.

"Sure." Kiba said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Hey! Can you turn us into animals?"

"Tell you what, keep quiet about Bakashi and I'll turn all of you into a single animal of your choice for ten minutes."

"The whole day." Hinata argued. She had really come out of her shell.

"A hour."

"Twelve hours." Shino countered.

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