I tried my best, and therfore should not be judged.

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The wind raged around the ship, waves threatening to collapse upon the deck and wash everyone away as lightning lit up the sky. 

Percy looked to the sky. "Bastardoi Venti. I'll be back, Kakashi. Keep an eye on Hinata. And please bring your sealing kit when you find me." 

"What are they?" The Hatake yelled, sharringon tracking horses made of clouds and lightning across the sky. "They look like Tempest!" 

"That's because Tempest was once one of them. These are wild Venti, storm spirits. And now, on the order of the Hokage, I must bring them to heel." 

Kakashi averted his eyes as Percy began to glow with golden light, chakra flowing over the ship, not quite breaking his seals but getting rather close, before rising up into the sky like a bolt of lightning in reverse, leaving a scorch mark where Kakashi's long time friend had stood.
The storm became more violent, animals screaming as lightning and thunder raged, permeated by flashed of silver lightning and golden chakra. 
The battle raged for nearly a half hour before slowing, over two dozen venti racing away as they sky cleared, brand new bridles on their heads. 

Percy suddenly reappeared and Kakashi was nearly crushed, falling to his knees and then his stomach under the sheer weight. It was much stronger than Thalia's had been all those years ago, who he could just manage to keep to his feet around, and in that moment he understood just why Percy was the God King.  

Thankfully, just like before, the god controlled his chakra, sending it high into the sky and letting the jounin breathe. 

"Seals." Percy said, eyes glowing. "Quickly."

"That was some storm last night." One of the acrobats said, sitting on the deck with his back to the railing. "Must have been those storm demons the locals warned us about." 

"Must have been." Amahiko said, leaning against the same railing. 

"Did you hear about Chamu?" The acrobat said. "Wait, aren't you the ninja who got sliced up?" 

"Yeah. I'm fine. So what about the cat?" 

"Oh, uh. Well, he apparently took a liking to Prince Hikaru. Best of friends. Scared the Dickens out of us circus folk. Ain't never seen Chamu like anyone before." 

Amahiko blinked. "I will never understand cats." 

Amahiko grinned as the Nerieds races alongside the boat, hippocampus mounts shimmering in the light. 

Next to him, Hinata grinned in awe, her joy inspiring the sea woman into greater and greater tricks as they showed off for the young mortal. 

Yugao was next to Amahiko, who was whispering to her tales of pearls and arches and underwater flames and the first nereid he had ever met. 

"By the way, when did Chamu and Hikaru make nice?" 

Yugao chuckled. "While you and Kakashi were holed up in your rooms. You should have seen it. He just walked up and licked the kid. Hyuuga-chan here also declared she and Hikaru were freinds." 

"Is that so?" Amahiko asked, turning to the Hyuuga heiress who was blushing furiously.

"Land ho!" The lookout crowed, stopping any further teasing. 

Amahiko turned to look at the approaching island and smiled sadly.
The sea would always be his home. 

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