Chapter 15. Lessons

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The next day, Kakashi set out early to get to team training, dragging Naruto behind him, who was thankfully, genjutsu free.

Amahiko finally got around to dismantling the maze house, the wood sinking into the ground and fertilizing the soil.

"Good morning, sensei!" Hinata called, heading towards him.

"Good, Hinata-chan. Sleep well?"

"Not really."

Amahiko chuckled. "Say, while we wait for the boys, why don't we have that talk I promised."

"O-okay." Hinata said.

"I want a quick spar with me. Show me your Jyuuken."

Hinata nodded, and made the seal of confrontation, which Amahiko met.

Mere seconds into the spar, Hinata hit his tenketsu, which were actually little more than seals holding together a false human body for the god to hide in.

"Enough." Amahiko said and was both startled and pleased to see Hinata cut off her attack mid-strike, her fimngers stopping three inches from a tenketsu.

"You don't have Earth Nature." He stated. "And that is what Jyuken is based on, the hard and unyielding earth."


"There are five, Earth, Water, Fire, wind, and lightning. None are greater than the others, each has a strength, and each has a weakness. I was born with Water and Wind but I developed the others later, starting with earth, and then lightning, and finally fire."

Amahiko dug through his pockets and removed a slip of paper before Hinata could break down. "Channel chakra into this. It will tell you what your nature is."

Hinata nodded and was only partially surprised when the paper became soggy.

"Water." Amahiko grinned. "Oh, you are going to either hate me or love me after this."


"Water is the most flexible of all elements, Earth is steady, fire is hot, lightning strikes, wind slices. But water, water flows, moving around and obstacles until it wears them down and drowns them. Water is patient. It gives life just as easily as it takes it away. Water is part of us, everyone and everything. It is integral to life on this planet."

Hinata nodded.

"I am going to teach you a different Kata, one that will be dependent on maneuverability, agility and flexibility. You will not barge in and shake your opponent, you will wipe them away like a flash flood. I'll get you the scrolls after training." He said, looking up to see Shino and Kiba, the latter racing towards his sensei, the former the image of dignity.

"Thank you, sensei."


Over the next two weeks, the skills of Team Eight flourished under Amahiko, having trained many young shinobi before, even if this was his first team.

The god was pleased to capture several more moments on camera, Kiba's expression when he discovered the details of his first mission was now one of Amahiko's newest cherished memories. Shino's expression even better, as he was obviously trying to hold back the look of horror.

Naruto had passed his Genin test and Amahiko had pestered Kakashi, with Yugao, Ayumu and Kenzo's help, into actively teaching, helping him with lesson plans and making sure he didn't forget the things he had absorbed as a prodigy that his genin's needed to learn and review.

Kakashi cheated a lot by having group lessons with Amahijo's team.

Hinata was coming along nicely, taking to her new kata like a fish to water.

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