Chapter 23? Invasion

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"Welcome to the Chunin Exams!" The announcer said. "Our first match will be Hyuuga Hinata verses Yamanaka Ino!"

"Whooo! Go Hinata!" Amahiko cheered, getting a look from Thalia.


Thalia hummed. "I haven't seen you this engadged with the human world since before Tsubaki joined the Hunt." The moon goddess said in english. "I'm glad for you. Living in Konoha has been good to you."

"I suppose."

Thalia had the gall to laugh at him. "You feel like your in New Rome, don't lie. Warriors and civilians living side by side in a city trapped between the old and the new. I may not be Annabeth but there is something between my ears."

Percy laughed as Hinata got tired of playing and put Ino down with a wave of actual mist, a water shunshin and a Jyuuken strike to the chest.

"I'm going to bring Naruto to the city soon. Maybe even my team."

Thalia hummed. "And your newest followers?"

Percy looked at her. "What followers?"

"My Hatake, the swordswoman, the Mokuton child and that shadow weilder. Not to mention your students."

"They aren't my followers."

"But you've claimed them. You got close. Even Will and Nico acknowledge it and you know how hard it is to get them to focus on anything besides each other and the balence."

Percy laughed as the next round began, a Kumo and Sound genin. "That doesn't make it true."

"You can have the Hatake. I won't challenge you for him. He's male and the last of his line."

"They're not mine. Natuto needed interaction with mortals who could teach him ehat I can't."

Thalia laughed at him. "Percy, that's a lie and you know it. You can't help but-"

A roar as the sound genin won, his opponnet screaming and clutching his ears. It was loud enough that Percy couldn't hear the moon goddess but he knew what she had said.

"If they want to then that is their choice. I will not lay claim without permission. As of this moment, my only living claim is Naruto."

Thalia huffed but dropped it. Percy always did had a stubborn streak as deep as the sea he ruled.

The silence lafall, leaving ted until ththe feathers began to fafall, the eyes of cicivilians and low level shinobi drooping as some collapsed, fast asleep.

"Oh, that's not good.

"If they want to then that is their choice. I will not lay claim without permission. As of this moment, my only living claim is Naruto."

Thalia huffed but dropped it. Percy always did had a stubborn streak as deep as the sea he ruled.

Naruto won against Neji and Amahiko almost killed a civilian mumbling about how "the fox brat" must have cheated if Shikaku hadn't given him a look and made him sit down.

Hinata won as well, and the guy Shino was supposed to fight forfeited making the Aburame pout.

Kiba was really riled up by now, and Aramark barked happily as his turn grew closer.

Gaara, the Ichibi Shukaku's Jinchuriki and Sauske Uchiha began their fight, the Uchiha breaking out a familiar lightning jutsu to get through the Jinchiriki's sand barrier when feathers began floating down into the arena.

Amahiko didn't even realize it was a genjutsu until civilians and low level shinobi started to collapse, fast asleep.

"Well that's not good." Thalia said, head tilting as she observed one of the stands vendors falling face first.

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