Chapter 6. Settling in

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"Okay. So this is an Olympia clan jutsu. It's a genjutsu that makes anyone who doesn't expect you or know it's you already, think you're someone else, someone unimportant, or my personal favorite, an SEP."


Amahiko grinned. "Somebody else's problem."

Naruto looked excited.

"My family calls the effects of this Jutsu, The Mist. Most of us can use it without hand signs but a good old ram is always a good base."

Amahiko held up a ram seal. "Hidden from the eyes of mortals."

The wind blew briefly and Amahiko nodded. "Alright. Let's go."

Naruto wasn't sure if it had worked but the more people that passed them, the fewer stares he had to deal with. One lady even smiled at him.

"Your jutsu is awesome, ni-san," Naruto said as a man who had thrown stuff at him walked right by.

"Thanks, ototo. Now, let's see where we can get some good deals."

The rest of the morning was spent trying on new clothes and buying decorations for Naruto's room.

They stopped for lunch at a Dango place and Amahiko got into a lively conversation with a purple-haired genin who ended up being invited over for poker that weekend and finished their shopping trip at a ninja supply store where Naruto got two training sets of kunai and shuriken and one real set for when Amahiko said he could.

Amahiko glanced at the swords but didn't buy one, but he did purchase a set of chakra ore daggers.

"It's for Chikako." He said when Naruto asked.

Before they left, the sky opened up and began to pour, drenching the pair.

Naruto began to panic that his new clothes would be ruined even in a storage scroll, but his new big brother grinned playfully at him and raised his hand, snapping his fingers.

Inu, who had his Sharingan active, was almost blown away by the sheer amount of chakra Amahiko released into the sky, the wind ripping the storm clouds apart, sunlight pouring from the hole he had created as the storm dissipated.

"Holy shit " Kakashi breathed as Naruto stared at Amahiko with practical hearts in his eyes.

To the blonde's dismay, Amahiko was being serious when their personal ANBU squad had an impromptu bonfire in the backyard complete with marshmallows and cheers as the orange jumpsuits burned to ash.

Naruto kept trying to catch one of the ANBU with their masks off but they used a genjutsu to hide their faces as Amahiko helpfully turned away.


"Yes, Neko-san?"

"If you don't mind, I would like to take you up on your offer."

"The swordsmanship lessons or becoming a renter?"


Amahiko chuckled. "You know, I figured it would take a bit longer for people to warm up to me."

Neko shrugged. "You submitted to a full mind-dive. You've been vetted by the head of the Yamanaka clan. We may not quite trust you to be at our backs yet, but betray us? Not without a reason. You don't have any loyalty to our enemies or other villages and are high up enough in your clan that you can't be forced into betraying us."

"That's one way to put it." Amahiko smirked, taking a drink of his sake.

"We're still watching."

Aaahiko grinned. "If it's any consolation, the only way I'll leave is if Naruto does. As long as Konoha retains his loyalty, Konoha has mine."

"We know."

Amahiko laughed. "Alright, then. Come by tomorrow out of the mask and I'll help you settle in. Do you want some storage scrolls to help move your things?"

"That would be greatly appreciated."

"No problem. I'll give you some before you go."


The next day around noon, Gekko Hayate showed up, breathing easier than he had in years. "Your friend broke into my house, healed me, made breakfast, and left without me waking up."

Amahiko shrugged. "Life be like that."


A week after Gekko had been healed, Katori finally noticed gods had been coming from Konoha, one of whom never got going.

His reaction was even better than Naruto had anticipated, the young blonde cackling with glee.


By the end of next week, Yugao Uzuki and Kakashi Hatake had moved into the East and South wings, with the final member of their team still on the fence.

The rules were simple, label your food, stay out of each other's rooms, and no fatal traps in the house.

Yugao enforced a fourth rule that Kakashi kept his porn in a security seal protected storage scroll ao Naruto didn't find it, and things settled down.

Naruto was ecstatic to be living with other people who didn't hate him and actively helped him and answered his questions.

Amahiko started the blonde on reading and writing, along with history, mainly the shinobi kind, major events and tales from Uzushiogakure.

Amahiko lectured while teaching Naruto his katas, his own clans styles, so the blonde was able to focus on what he needed to learn, since his body was preoccupied. It helped that Amahiko told history from personal experience and thus had a storyteller vibe to his lectures.

Yugao usually taught him something every other day with Kakashi giving helpful hints here and there, but they mainly let Amahiko teach.

The silver-haired jounin had taken to lounging in the oak tree Amahiko had grown, enjoying the perches the Mokuton user had designed especially for shinobi.

Yugao and Amahiko usually started the morning off with breakfast and then a lively spar in the garden, which was excellent for terrain training, while Kakashi helps Naruto with his exercises and kunai practice.

That is, if Inu and Neko were not needed, then it was Amahiko helping the blonde.

Later, Amahiko and Naruto would go exploring, usually training grounds or parts of the city.

It was on one of these trips that Naruto met his first nature spirit, a naiad in a large creek.

"There are spirits and gods everywhere, Naruto. Some are in the shape of animals, some look completely human. Some are helpful and some will seek to hurt you for their own amusement. Spirits of nature, like Emiko-san here-"

The Naiad giggle and shoot a stream of water at Amahiko, who barely moved his head to dodge, "are usually benevolent. They will help in exchange for something or because they like you. If you get lost, you can always ask a dryad or naiad to point you in the right direction. Summoning animals like Kakashi's pack, are technically spirits but they can come into this world only with the help of a summoner."

"What about ghosts?" Naruto said fearfully.

"Ghosts are real, but they are only a remnant of the person they once were. They can't even remember their names, only that something horrible happened. They can make themselves known, the feeling of being watched, or unease, but it is impossible to hurt you. The only exception is when another spirit or a god helps them, and even then, all they can do is talk, unless the Shinigami himself brings them up from the underworld."

Amahiko taught Naruto an Olympia clan jutsu to help him see spirits more clearly and told him that eventually, he wouldn't need to perform it to See.

After that, Naruto started seeing spirits everywhere, especially around the Olympia compound. He talked to a few, was wary of others, but was always polite ever since he accidentally insulted a nymph and found his bed full of bugs. 

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