Chapter 11. Truths

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When Anko woke up, she was on Amahiko's couch, fully dressed and sore as fuck.

She looked up to see the paper door had been left open, letting her see the garden and Amahiko and Ayumu looking rather tired while Kenzo was staring at a jar, a white snake inside, and was hissing at it.

"Morning Anko-chan. All done." Amahiko said.

Anko tackled him with a hug and swore herself to Amahiko's eternal service which he deftly evaded.

The week after that Ayumu and Kenzo Olympia were active Shinobi of Konoha, claiming they couldn't bear to part now that they were a triple act.

Dragon-san had been practically salivating over the thought of having them in ANBU Corp especially when Konoha had been caught in the crossfire of a three-way prank war that left ANBU in pink, the Hyuuga living in a house of mirrors, the Hokage mansion filled from floor to ceiling with the left shoe of every active duty shinobi in the village and the entire Academy encased in orange jello.

That left Dragon convinced there were gifts from Kami. He was close and Ayumu and Kenzo promised to think about it. They probably would, if only to be praised for infiltrating places that were nigh impossible to infiltrate, and the opportunity to sabotage and get paid to do it.

Things settled into a routine. Amahiko would train Naruto in his clan's signature taijutsu and work with him on chakra control, then Kakashi would help him with Ninjutsu, then Yugao would teach him some Bukijutsu.

If the three of them were on a mission, which usually only took a week or two, another Jounin Naruto and Amahiko had endeared themselves to or the brothers would watch over Naruto's training.

Soon after the brothers moved in permanently, Shinobi started appearing with gifts not just for lessons but for being put on the no-prank list. They were free for a guaranteed month and pre warned if a public area was going to be hit.

Ayumu and Kenzo kept getting drafted to teach academy students trapping and stealth as punishment but they claimed it was worth it.

The brothers ended up testing as Tokubetsu Jounin, or Tokujo, so they would take any B-or below mission or A-rank that heavily involved their specialties.

Percy's favorite prank so far was the Stolls giving Naruto a pair of contacts, and the blonde running into the Hokage's office yelling, "Old man, old man! I activated the Sharingan!"

Amahiko had been visiting at that moment, making up an excuse to visit just so he could watch the chaos and he was not disappointed. The Sandaime had fallen out of his chair and three of the ten ANBU in the room had lost concentration enough for Naruto to spot them.

After a medic had seen to the Sandaime's injuries, Naruto laughing and Percy helping to remove the contacts, the Sandaime was rather proud of the trick.

Amahiko had been sent on an A-Rank later with a noble who was horrible enough the usually easy going god cast a curse down upon him for the sake of mercy upon the world.

Naruto's tenth birthday was spent outside the village, on the backs of horses as Amahiko taught the Uzumaki horsemanship until he and his summons could race across the land. When he became a genin, and there was no doubt he would, Amahiko would remove the genjutsu on Naruto's familiar, revealing the wings below.

And if Kakashi looked a little sick on his venti, that was just icing on the cake.

Naruto continued to grow and learn. He had all but mastered the Wave Style Taijutsu Amahiko had taught him, as his ancestors had taught Amahiko.

He was doing well at the Academy, excelling in the physical aspect, keeping up with the clan heirs, practicing in the back yard under one of the jounins careful eyes. He was better at fuinjutsu then his peers by a landslide, but the other, more theoretical aspects eluded him.

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