Chapter 21. Family

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That afternoon, the first Olympia arrived with her entourage, mortals who had sworn themselves to the goddess's service, dedicating themselves to her domains.

"Look at them all, Annabeth. You have an entire College staff."

The goddess of knowledge, wisdom and architecture grinned. "I even snapped up that bridge builder you were protecting. He's finishing up in Wave though."

Percy hugged her again. "Building 2 is already ready for you. I set them all up this morning. There should be enough room for everyone."

"If it looks different tomorrow, there wasn't." Annabeth assured him, her seekers following her to their temporary home.

"Isn't she wonderful?" Percy asked Kakashi dreamily, the jounin standing in the shadows and trying not to be noticed.

"She certainly is something." Kakashi admitted.


Naruto focused on the swirling ball of chakra in his hand, threatening to overwhelm him if he lost control even for a second.

Amahiko sat across from him, watching for any signs of faltering so he could activate the barrier to protect the younger from the explosion.

Minato had been teaching Naruto the Rasengan, the Yondaime's own original Jutsu, in the mindscape, but there was a difference between reality and the mindscape. Injury being one of them, chakra control being the other. You could do things in the mindscape that were impossible in the real world. Inside, it was willpower over chakra, whereas the reverse was true in the waking world.

Amahiko dove forward, barrier activatreing just as Naruto lost control, the chakra ball imploding in his face had it noot been for the shimmering green energy.

"That looks painful." A voice said as Naruto's hande was healed.

THe pair looked up., although Amahiko had been aware of him approaching Konoha for over an hour, to see a blonde man with the same eyes as Naruto watching them from the tree above their heads.

He wore his hair down to his shoulders, tucked into a loose pony tail like how Amahiko wore his, a tan jacket, white shirt and shinobi pants and sandals. Around his neck were the bands of a headdress that he had pulled down, similar to what the sand shinobi wore, protecting them from the heat of the sun and the blowing sand.

There was a small scar of his lip, and a tattoo with the same marking some of Amahiko's books had, the image of an eagle, four letters and followed by over a dozen black lines. Amahiko would later tell him each line was the same as one of his clay beads.

"Jason." Amahiko greeted.

"It's Hayato right now." Jason corrected. "You called for a reunion."

"I did. How's Suna?"

"They plan for War."

"I know. Clarrisse is getting twitchy. Konoha Jounin are being called in all over the continent."

"Ni-san! Whose that?" Naruto said, interrupting the hurried conversation in english.

"Naruto." Amahiko said, turning to face his ward. "This is Hayato, my cousin on my father's side, and your great grandpa."

Naruto froze and Jason waved at him.


"Sure kid. Sorry I wasn't here sooner. I never even met your father. Well, not that he knew."

"Jason adopted your grandfather the same way I adopted you." Percy explained. "The resemblance is coincidence."

"Tou-san says he remembers you. He was going to Loran and you gave him directions." Naruto grinned, a look of awe in his eyes.

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