Chapter 17. Foolish men and the gods who care

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When Kakashi finally woke up, Amahiko had to deal with a spoiled brat, and irritated Jinchuriki, an angsty Uchiha, and a Kunoichi going through an existential crisis.

"You, know, Kakashi. Your excuses are famous throughout Konoha. So you better have a damn good one if you don't want to be turned into a tree and left for the next millenia."

After Kakashi was properly scolded, and the god properly briefed, Amahiko went outside to wait for her.


She hadn't changed much, her hair was much longer, cascading down her back to her waist in a tight braid, her eyes were still a terrifying stormy grey.

She wore peasant clothes, and her hands were stained with ink from drawing blueprints, an architect drawing kit hooked to her belt and that beautiful smug smirk on her lips.




After catching up with Annabeth, Amahiko went back inside to find team seven sitting around the table, Kakashi giving a quick lecture on Hunter-nin procedures and Ninja competency in terms of age.

"Ni-san!" Naruto grinned, springing from his chair.

"I spoke with a few spirits. They told me where Zabuza and his associate are holed up. Gato's headquarters. The question is what to do with this info."

"I'm almost back on my feet. Between the two of us we can get in and finish the job." Kakashi said.

"The mission is to protect the bridge." Amahiko argued. "We don't know if Gato has any more jounin on his payroll."

"Unlikely. Missing-nin of Zabuza's caliber don't play well with others."

"But not impossible."

Kakashi hummed, conceding his point. "What do you propose?"

"I estimate about a week before Zabuza is back on his feet. I have an advantage over the water so the bridge is our best bet on eliminating the threat. We set up there, run your genin through evasion drills and Hidden Mist tactics, use the bridge as a choke point for any mercenaries and put Zabuza down next time he shows his face."

Kakashi considered it. "Very well. That sounds like a good plan."


The next week was hell on the genin as Kakashi mercilessly ran them through drills on both land and sea while Amahiko lectured on Kiri techniques on their breaks.

Amahiko rose to his feet, signalling Kakashi that Zabuza and the hunter ninja had entered his sensing range.

Mist started to flow from the sea, making Amahiko and Kakashi draw kunai.

"Team seven, protect the bridge builder and evacuate the workers." Amahiko ordered.

Zabuza was suddenly there, three of him, in front of the genin.

Puddles of water fell to the bridge as they reacted, slashing at the water clones with barely a glance as they collapsed into the liquid they were born from, and Amahiko felt the blossoming of pride in his chest.

"The Great Zabuza Momochi." Amahiko said, part of his attention on the genin as Sakura herded the workers away, Tazuna under guard by Naruto and Sauske. "When I heard you be called Demon I grew excited for a fight. But last time we met I have to say I was disappointed. Perhaps that title was only propaganda by your old village that went to your head?"

Laughter rumbled from the mist. "You seem to know me but I can;t say the same about you."

"I am Amahiko, Jounin of Konoha."

"A jounin? I would have pegged you as a Toku-jo at most from your chakra, a chunin at worse. That water trick won't-"

"A child travels with you." Amahiko said, interrupting what was sure to be a properly terrifying psychological attack. "A member of the Yuki clan. He and I are cousins. I would rather not kill him. Please don't make me kill my own blood."


"You are a fool, Zabuza Momochi." Perseus said, studying their body. "I gave you every out I could and still you insisted on marching to an unnecessary death. I pity a man so set in his ways."

Haku laid beside Zabuza, colder than the ice that ran in his blood. "You poor child. I'm so sorry. I wish I had been there for you but all I can do is this for you and your precious person. You're time as a human is over and even a god cannot change that. That however, does not mean that your time on earth has come to an end. I, Perseus, god of the sea and storm, of the wind and tides, of the rain and snow and ice. I command you, Haku Momochi, Zabuza Momochi, come and serve me in my court as spirits of the snow and ice."

His eyes began to glow with golden light and Haku and Zabuza both dissolved into swirls of snow, swirling around Amahiko's feet, two spirits of the winter storms.

They took form in front of Perseus, dressed in pure white versions of the clothes they had died in, their hitae ate sowing the symbol of Perseus instead of Kiri.

"Thank you, my lord." They said, taking each other's hand and dissolving into snow, flying north towards the mountains.

Kakashi looked on in awe. He had never seen Amahiko actually show off any abilities that couldn't be replicated by Jutsu yet.

Kakashi and Amahiko had only planned on killing Zabuza and sparing Haku but while Amahiko was preoccupied with more chunin and unable to use his large scale jutsu due to the fragile genin and even more fragile civilians, Haku had jumped between Zabuza and Kakashi's chidori covered hand, and all for not, as the assassination technique pierced through both of them, the light fading from his eyes before Kakashi coud remove his hand from their bodies.

Oh look, it's the trauma Inoichi had warned Amahiko about.

They stayed for another week, Amahiko taking charge of the genin's continued training, even getting Sakura interested in Iryo-Ninjutsu, which he really knew she would love, seeing how her eyes would light up whenever he told her tales of Tsunade of the Sanin.

On the third day, Naruto asked to talk to Amahiko in the woods.

"What's wrong, oututo?"

"Can you...Can you help me mind dive?"

Amahiko tilted his head. "Of course."

"And not go in with me?"

Amahiko smiled. "You met him during the fight on the bridge, didn't you?"

Naruto's eyes shot up. "You know?"

"Of course I know. I'm the one who fixed your seal when you were six. Did you think I wouldn't notice the extra signatures? I even made it so he could help protect you from the fox when I couldn't."

He was cut off by Naruto hugging him. "Thank you for saving my Tou-san." He said, tears streaming down his face.

Prying Naruto off, he leaned down to look into Naruto's eyes. "For you, otuto. I would drown the world in storm and fire."


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