I really hope Shabadaba is a real name. I love it.

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"I'm sensing a lot of people hiding but no one on the streets." Amahiko said.
"We're being watched." Yugao agreed, signaling in ANBU sign. 

"Hinata." Amahiko said, and felt the pulse of chakra signaling an activated doujutsu.  

"Men with swords are watching from the alleys." The girl said softly.

"Stay on guard but don't attack. They may just be security." 

"Minister Shabadaba." Prince Michiru said, and wasn't that an out there name. "Where is my father?" 

Amahiko signaled to his squad. Ready

"I'm afraid that the king is dead! I rule in the land of the Moon now. Which means there is no room for you, Prince! Kill them all!" 

Soldiers dressed in a rather interesting mix of modern tactical gear and swords, rushed into the courtyard. 

"Ready!" Amahiko yelled and wind shoved the soldiers back, giving the shinobi a bit of breathing room. 

"Hinata! Get the carriage out of here!" Amahiko yelled, shoving Michiru and Hikaru into the carriage. 

Hinata leaped into the driver's seat, disabling the soldier who tried to stop her with a single touch and snapped the reins. 

Yugao leapt high into the air, explosive tags placing a dent in their numbers as Kakashi shouted that there were more incoming. 

"Captain Korriga!" 

A man with dark hair leapt into the fray, sword shining, and taking down several soldiers that Amahiko hadn't gotten to yet, too busy preventing the four enemy shinobi hiding in the shadows from drawing close enough to interfere without leaving the carriage undefended.

The god could hear Kakashi talking to the newcomer over the headsets as he sent another wave of wind at the four shinobi, tossing them backwards into the palace. 

"We're clear!" Yugao shouted, and Kakashi picked up Korriga, tossing the man over his shoulder and running for the gates where the carriage had just cleared. 

Amahiko ran too, spinning around with a malicious grin that made the pursuing men balk. 

He stomped his foot and the earth rumbled, jagged spines erupting from the pavement and rushing into the courtyard, large walls, rising up to encircle the trap and keep the solders from going around. 
Pleased with his handiwork, the god raced away

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