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Amahiko grinned as Naruto told him about his latest mission. 

"And then, Kiba and I found out that the treasure wasn't the cup but the client! I was so mad!" 

"I imagine so. I think you need to review client protocols again. The way he treated you and Kiba was against his contract. You would have been within your rights to quit the mission." 

"Really?" Naruto asked. 

Amahiko nodded, standing up and pulling a book from the shelf. "When a mission is accepted, the client signs a contract guaranteeing the rights and safety of the shinobi. Tsuande will probably up your pay and impose greater restrictions next time that client wants a mission. She might even force him to pay the price for a B or A as punishment. Willingly endangering your lives and forcing you into dangerous situations like what he did in that town are against his contract." 

"What about A ranked missions, like what Kakashi-sensei is on?"

"Those missions have different rules. Most of the time, the shinobi doesn't even meet the client. But when they do, there is always a contract." 

"I feel like I should have known this." 

"Kakashi has been in ANBU so long he forgot client contracts were a thing." Amahiko laughed. 

"Shino, Hinata and I are going to go look for a bichochu bug." Naruto said, grabbing tarts from the fridge. "Hinata wants to bribe the dryads to help." 

"Smart plan. What's the Bichochu bug?" Amahiko asked, not getting up from the couch.

"It has super smell! We're gonna use it to find the teme!" 

"I see. I wish you all luck. Here. Give me your hand." 

Naruto paused and held out his hand, watching as fuinjutsu snaked down his arm. 

"One time use, summons Blackjack, and Habenero." Amahiko explained. "So you can hurry back." 

Naruto hugged him. 

"So the ghost warrior was actually the feudal lord avenging her dead family?" 

"Yup! I gotta say, I almost didn't believe what you told me a few times." 

"It's fine Naruto. I'm glad you figured it out or we would have had to make a return trip to figure out what was going on." 

Percy waved his hand and the wind sent the ninja chefs flying. "You really shouldn't have kidnapped my otuto's friend and my freind's daughter. Bad move and will cost you your lives." 

A ninja chef tried to attack him but a wave of the god's hand and a strike, a bird that prepared its food before eating, appeared in the ninja's place, followed by several more. 

Percy ripped the cell door off it's hinges, the fuinjutsu shattering under his touch. 

Inside was Ayame, looking a little worse for wear but treated well, looking up in fear before relaxing. "Olympua-sama?"

"I got you." Amahiko said, picking the lock on the manacle attached to her ankle. "Come on. Let's go home." 

Amahiko picked the girl up and placed a hand on her forehead. 
Her eyes fluttered and she slumped boneslessly against him, sound asleep. 

She didn't need to see this. 

When Naruto, Choji, Sakura and Teuchi got there the next day, the ninja chefs, or what remained of them, begged forgiveness from Teuchi as Ayame appeared from behind a boulder, not remembering anything that had happened since she had been snatched a week before. 

"I guess we go home then." Teuchi suggested, and they did. 

The only Ninja chef to come that day, raised his head, revealing green eyes. 

"So you're Isaribi?" 
The half fish girl jumped and leapt away from the man who had appeared in her living room. 

"Peace. My name is Amahiko Olympia. Anko sent me." 

"Anko sent you?" She asked, slowly backing back off the wall as Amahiko nodded. "She said you could help me. That you helped her. Called you a seal master."  

"I did and I am. May I now do the same for you?"


Amahiko paused as a pair of men dressed like Gai and his mini-me walked through the gates. 

Both were very obviously not Might Guy and Rock Lee and most of the village noticed that or at least felt that something was off, mainly because they were using their feet, not their hands to stroll through the village. 

Amahiko watched as Kakashi confronted them, speaking about a fictional past mission and various fictional jounin, getting confirmation that these were indeed imposters. 
Amahiko then got the distinct pleasure to watch Kakashi make a decision between capturing the imposters or playing along with their poorly created discration of a flying monkey eating and egg roll and continue to have his daily entertainment. 

He chose entertainment and Amahiko high five him and spent the rest of the day watching the various kunoichi, Lady Tsunade included, relieve stress by tormenting the foolish nin. Even Katsuya, Tsunade's gigantic slug was in on it. 

"Lady Tsunade." Amahijo said, stepping back and letting the first female Kage into his home. 

"Not what I was expecting." She said. 

"We're you expecting gold and marble, along with a severe size extortion and mosaics of my past in every window? Perhaps a stream that twists impossibly and defies gravity?"

"No need to be snarky but yes." 

Amahiko laughed. "We try to keep what I am on the down low. That place is up on the mountain." 

Tsunade ignored him and handed him a file. "Your brat found him looking for ramen ingredients. Named him Menma. Complete amnesia. Naruto has claimed responsibility for him so-" 

"He will be staying here. Do my roommates know yet?" 

"Not yet. Please keep an eye on him when he come tomorrow." 

"Will do." Amahiko said, understand the unspoken orders. 

If he is anything other then what he seems, kill him.
"Menma's dead. He sacrificed himself to save a village up the Nan River." 

Amahiko comforted his brother. "He's with Nico and your mom now, Naruto. He's happy now." 

Naruto mourned until early morning. 

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