A wild Wind God appears

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Jason, who went by Hayato, was rather content being a hermit. 

When he had been human, he had been forced into a leadership role because of his parentage but when the world went to shit, Percy stepped up and let Jason step back. 

He was happier, this way, nothing but the wind and the sky to care for. Sometimes he took in children, like Akemi Namikaze but that was only when they caught his attention, a very difficult thing to do. Even his entourage let him be for the most part, preferring to be solitary themselves. 

The other gods came to visit him of course, but he never really paid any attention to mortals. It just wasn't in him, having been surrounded by the divine since he was two.

He just didn't have that history of being part of the mortal world like the others did. Pretending to be human was difficult. 

Even now, it was more comfortable in the form of something other than human, like the wind or a sandstorm. 

Right now, however, he was a Desert Falcon, perching on the walls of Sunagakure and watching a weapons introductory class. 

The Ichibi Jinchiriki was there, and Hayato remembered seeing him at the Chunin exams and being impressed by his sand manipulation. 

Gaara's siblings Kankuro and Temari we're there as well, and slowly, the thirty some students divided themselves up, choosing who they wanted to teach them their chosen weapons. 

Gaara stood alone and Hayato felt a pang of guilt. He had watched the pain and suffering Gaara had gone through, and he hadn't stepped in, too used to being a passive observer. Amahiko had snapped him out of it a bit, which was why he was here, trying to make amends. 

He was rather pleased, however, when a young Suna Academy girl stepped forward and asked Gaara to teach her. 

She eventually chose a rope javelin and Gaara set her up to train with it, wrapping the rope and spike around several targets. 

The students began trickling out.

Deciding to get a closer look, he flapped his wings and landed on the table. 

Gaara eyeballed him for a moment and told his student to go get some lunch.

As soon as she was gone, sand rose up and grabbed Hayato, the God squeaking in surprise and he was hauled into the air upside down. 

"I know what you are." Gaara warned. "Reveal yourself." 

The falcon vanished in a swirl of sand, a boy about the same age as Gaara appeared in it's place. 

He wore travelers clothes, a pair of goggles on his face and long blond hair down to his shoulders. "Shukaku never could keep his mouth closed, even when he was my student." 

Gaara suddenly felt his control over the sand fail him, the man flipping to his feet as the sand construct crumpled around him. 

"Who are you?" The redhead asked, sand swirling menacingly around his feet. 

"Im Hayato, a spirit of the desert winds. I heard tale that you had turned over a new leaf." 

Gaara narrowed his eyes. "And have you seen enough, spirit?" 

"I also came to see Shukaku. It's been over 700 years since we were face to face, or face to Jinchuriki." 

"He has been sleeping since we returned from Konoha. He woke up to tell me you were there and went back to sleep." 

Hayato grinned. "Well, when he wakes up again, tell him Hayato Olympia stopped by."

"Why do you look like Naruto?" Gaara asked. 

Hayato grinned. "He's my great grandson." 

And then he was gone. 

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