Chapter 19. Amahiko kills more canon important people

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The longer the Hokage knew Amahiko Olympia, the more he was amazed at the complete lack of aging he saw, the oldest shinobi in the village never changing, like a fly trapped in amber yet still buzzing about and killing village elders in self defense.

"And he started screaming about Jinchuriki?" Shikaku, one of Amahiko's friends, yes, but still the jonin commander, asked.

"Yes. He seemed convinced that I was a bijuu who had taken control of their Jinchuuriki and had to be sealed again for the good of Konoha." Amahiko said, drinking his coffee that Kakashi, who had arrived with Shikaku, had given him. The good stuff from River country, curtosey of a Jounin who wanted to learn more B-Class Doton.

"And you're sure that he had Sharingan implanted in his arm under the bandages?" The Homura asked, nose turned up in a sneer. "Surely you must have been mistaken."

"I live with Kakashi no Sharingan and three pranksters, two of whom are Tokujo with a specialization in Genjutsu and traps. Kakashi uses his Sharingan to avoid said traps every morning. Not to mention his Uchiha brat is constantly at my house demanding more training. I think I know what a Sharingan looks like.

"My Reserves have grown and everything." Kakashi confirmed.

"Speaking of Uchiha. You should have given him that training. You are the strongest Jounin in the village and although I understand while Kakashi was given the Uchiha's team, he deserves no less than the very best." Koharu, another village elder.

"I'll pass. I deal with enough angst at family reunions." Amahiko jibbed. "And it's team seven, not the Uchiha's team." Amahiko's glare promised a fate worse than death if they dared ignore his outuo and the little pink haired girl whose face lit up when she learned about poisons in favor of his asshole teammate.

"If that is all, Hokage-sama?"

"Yes, dismissed. I wish your team luck on chunin exams."

Amahiko gave a vicious smile, all teeth and no kindness. "It will be glorious."

Naruto found Amahiko almost as soon as he walked through the door. "Aniki!"

"Yes, my darling Oututo?" The god asked, picking Naruto up, something that no matter how old he got, he probably wouldn't get over. He was still touch starved from his early childhood.

"How do you change a mindscape?" Naruto asked as Amahiko carried him to the couch.

"Sheer force of will and meditation. However, yours will need to be changed manually through the seal, as the cage had taken over that space for the most part. It's my you can hear Kurama out here, he's in your head."

Naruto looked confused. "But Tou-chan has an entire house with a TV and kitchen and bedroom and everything. He says it's his and Kaa-chan's house that blew up the day I was born."

"Ah. I see. I made that place. I used his memories and your chakra to expand a piece of your mindscape and make it more comfortable for him."

Naruto's face lit up. "Can you help me change the cage?"

"What for?"

"I don't think Kurama would be so grumpy if he had a nice place to live like Tou-san."

Amahiko chuckled. "Alright. You have a point there. You design a place for Kurama and I'll help you make it. Remember that I can't get rid of the cage entirely, but I can make it bitter and change it's form."

"Okay. Tou-san will help!" Naruto declared, jumping off the couch.

"Go to the Garden. It might give you ideas. Or even Yugao's postcards!" Amahiko yelled as the blonde scampered off towards the sealing room where scrolls and othe rpaper and ink were kept.

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