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"Huh. So that's why." Amahiko said to himself, but Yugao heard it. 

"Why what?" 

Amahiko grinned. "I noticed that Hikaru had a very strong water affinity for a civilian born." The god grinned, pointing at the woman down below. "That's why. His great-grandma was a Nereid, an ocean spirit. It's why his mom is so beautiful too. It's the divine blood shining through."  

Yugao studied the woman of the small family that Prince Michiru had insisted on visiting and was now begging the woman to return to Moon with him and Hikaru. 

"How common are people like that? Descendants or children of spirits? Or even gods?" Yugao asked. 

"Well, we gods don't have children with mortals. Our parents did but our lives were so difficult that it was rare that one of us made it to adulthood so we just all kinda agreed not to have kids ourselves. Back then, there were no shinobi, no chakra, just mortals who blamed us for the disasters that followed us. There are also the ancient laws, passed down in the time of my grandfather, the king of the titans, that states no divine being can be involved in the raising of a half blood. I was twelve when I learned my fathers name. I could count on one hand the number of times I had a conversation with him by the time I turned 17. That's why we adopt kids instead, taking a more active role than our own parents could. But spirits, that's a different matter. They can do what they want, marry who they want and raise who they want. The Shodai was half dryad." Amahiko said. "But the Uzumaki clan blood drowned it in his son. And I mean that quite literally. The Uzumaki have the blood of storm spirits and Nereids in their veins. And the Yamanaka somehow have Eidolon blood but don't ask me how."  

"Eidolon?" Yugao asked, getting comfy on the tree branch. Kakashi and Hinata we're down at the docks while she and Amahiko kept an eye on the prince and his son. 

"A rather difficult monster to fight. It possesses people, making them do horrible things. When I was mortal, Hayato and I nearly killed each other under their influence, and Katori opened fire on an ally because of them. He hunted them down after the Changing of the Guard, burned them out of existence but he must have missed one." 



"Yes, sensei?"

"Come on. There are some spirits I want you to meet before we pull anchor." 

Hinata looked confused but followed her sensei down the docks and onto the rocky shoreline. 

"This is Hamako." Amahiko said, swirling the water with a wave of his hand. "She's agreed to meet with you." 

Hinata quickly ran through the viewing jutsu just as the water parted enough for a beautiful woman with deep brown hair and blue eyes to poke her head out of the water. 

"Hamako is a nereid, a spirit of the ocean. She is much stronger and temperamental than a nymph or naiad, just like the sea." 

"My lord, you flatter me." Hamako said. "Hello child. The water calls to you just as much as it does me, doesn't it?" 


"Come and serve me as my vassal." 

Amahiko raised an eyebrow. "No." 

"Why not!? I can give you anything you want! Palaces! Jewels! Gold stacks taller than Jiambo!" Hikaru protested. 

"While gold stacks taller than the giraffe sounds enticing, I'm afraid that I there is more to life than money." Amahiko said. 

"Money can get anything! That's what father always says!" Hikaru protested, hands trembling. 

"Of course not. Money is something humans came up with to make trading and amassing wealth easier. There are things more important and far more valuable than the cold unforgiving metal of coins." 

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