Chapter 16. Wave

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When they returned four weeks later, Shino was petting his new Queen Murder Hornet, Kiba was dressed in silver, along with Akamaru in a silver collar, and Hinata was somehow part River Nymph.

"Alright, guys. I'm glad you all had fun. Rest up and meet back here in two days."

"Hai, sensei!"

"May the winds merely pass you by." Hinata said, and vanished in a swirl of water that Amahijo recognized from his own youth.

"Come Akamaru, the hunt is afoot." Kiba declared, taking off like one of Thalia's arrows, Akamaru staying on his heels.

Amahiko made a note to tell Thalia to lessen up on the brainwashing next time he saw her.

Shino walked leaisurely towards his clan compound, but not before giveing an Oath to keep all of his murder hornets to himself and to only use them on enemies he wanted dead.

Amahiko was grateful to plob on to the couch after a long month of traveling through the garden and fighting off that dam dragon not once but twice, both times without Shino noticing.

He had just plopped down in his favorite chair when Yugao appeared behind him. "Amahiko. Your back."

"Hey, Yugao. Got you something." Amahiko said, not opening his eyes.

In front of Yugao, a sheathed katana appeared.

"Meteoric Iron and ancient oak hewn from the heart of the garden. Not very useful to me but perhaps you will find some value

I hid it in the garden long ago but I figured it was time for it to see the light again." Amahiko murmured, burying his face in the cushions.

"Thanks, Amahiko." Yugao mirmered, inspecting the shimmering, yet dark as night blade. "Team seven was dispatched on a C-Rank yesterday. Naruto wanted to wait for you to get back but the client was in a rush."

"Shame." Amahiko muttered. "I'm exhausted and stretched a bit thin. Imma take a nap."

Yugao mouthed "stretched thin" to herself but let the kami sleep.

A few hours later, as dusk approached, a messenger hawk burst through the window and got a very nasty shock.

Yugao picked up the poor bird and removed the scroll it carried, healing chakra forming in her hand. "It's for you."

Amahiko sat up and groaned, but still caught the scroll when Yugao tossed it.

"Shit. Kakashi sent for back up. I'm the only jounin in the village who isn't on leave, mission, or medical." He glanced at Yugao. "Or has a shift in T&I."

Yugao gave a what-can-you-do shrug.

"I'm going. I'm going. Tell my minions if they show to work on team drills and tell each other about their trips. Tell Ayumu and Kenzo to watch over them when they have free time."

"I'll tell them."

"Thanks, Yugao."


Ten minutes later, Amahiko was on Blackjack, heading south, southeast towards Wave country.

We just got back, boss. I was looking forward to hanging with ladies. I want five dozen donuts for this!

"Sure, Blackjack. Just get me there."

Blackjack poured on the speed,not quite flying but he wanted to stretch his legs, not his sore wings.

Within an hour, Amahiko pulled the reins, bringing the pegasus to a halt.

He dismounted and inspected a few puddles of blood.

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