Chapter 2. Negotiations

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Amahiko, merely laughed as Teuchi Ichiraku handed him Naruto's bill.

"Most cry when they get their first Naruto bill." Teuchi noted.

"Naruto isn't the first Uzumaki I've treated to Ramen, although he is one of the bigger eaters. Hana Uzumaki was reigning champ until now. He beat her by three bowls."

"Whose Hana Uzumaki?" Naruto asked.

"Well, four hundred years ago, my boat crashed on the shore of Uzu and when I woke up there was a woman with a long red braid standing over me with a sword covered in fuinjustu. She took me prisoner, shoved me in a cell and grinned before introducing herself. "I am Hana Uzumaki of Uzushiogakure, daughter of the head of the Uzumaki clan, Ahmya Uzumaki, and you, Amahiko of the Olympia, are my prisoner."

"How did you escape?"

"Well, it wasn't easy but I managed to rework the fuinjustu enough for me to escape the cell. Of course, after that there was no way the Uzumaki were letting me go until they had a chance to pick my brain and fix the flaw in their security."

As Amahiko told his story of the fight between the elite warriors of the Uzumaki clan and his near escape from the island, it wasn't just Naruto, Teuchi and his daughter Ayame who were enthralled, but the silent watchers in the shadows."


Amahiko sighed, watching the sleeping kid snore on his futon, completely oblivious to the shadows watching him. Poor kid, screwed from the day he was born by virtue of his Uzumaki blood. They really wasn't a choice but still, the way the villiage treated him was unacceptable.

They had rented a hotel room, Amahiko weaving the Mist so the desk clerk didn't realize who was with him, not that the tiny blonde realized that, Naruto hiding in Amahiko's travel cloak, avoiding her eyes. The poor child.

They then settled down in the hotel room, Naruto running his hand along the futon with a look of wonder on his face, like he couldn't believe that this was happening, that someone wanted to give him everything he needed without him having to fight for it.

It was so sad when a child was grateful for simple neccesities. They are meant to eat you out of house and home and break your heart, not light up with delight when given a good bed. If his parents or any other relatives were still alive and in the area, they had a curse coming their way. If someone had abandoned this child, the wrath of the god king would be coming down on their heads.

Amahiko sighed and opened the window, staring intently at his watchers until one jumped from the shadows landing a few feet away, white mask standing out in the darkness. A canine of some sort, his eyes glowing behind it, one red, the other dark gray.

"The Hokage wishes to speak with you." The ANBU said. A male, late teens.

"And I, him. I imagine there is much to discuss. I am Amahiko of the Olympia."

Amahiko was not always called Amahiko. That name had been given to him by his wife, to better blend in while diving into a world where the predominant language was Japanese, the last remnants of the mortal world before a war between pantheons had erupted and brought down a doomsday far worse then any seer or oracle had predicted.

Annabeth had chosen his new name carefully, giving it meaning, hiding in plain sight.

Perseus Jackson, Destroyer of armies, bane of Kronos, savior of Olympus, leader of the Greco-Roman demigods, became Amahiko of the Olympia clan, King of the Sea and Storms, Chief of the Council of old gods, leader of the most ancient clan, and road-weary traveler.

The gods lived on through their children who inherited their domains, and the world continued to turn.

Leo and Calypso had taken new names as well, Katori and Chika, fire and plants. Seems no one is very original when it comes to naming yourself. As long as the other Olympia knew their names it didn't really matter what mortals called you to your face.

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