Chapter 20. Filler basically

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"Hello, Otuto." Amahiko said. "Let me see."

Naruto nodded mutely and pulled up his shirt to reveal a five trigrams overlaying the eight. How cruel. "I can't hear them, Ni-san! Tou-san was talking and then the snake guy touched my seal and Tou-san went quiet!. Is he..."

"He's fine. This just cut you off from the seal-space. I'll teach you removal later but you won't reach this part of your studies for another few months at least. Wanna tell me what happened while I get it off?"

"There was a giant snake and then there was a grass ninja and Sauske tried to fight and he was just toying with us, and then he bit Sasuke and Kurama gave me chakra but then the snake man hit my seal."

"I got there right after that, otuto. I'm sorry it took me so long to get there."

"It's alright, aniki." Naruto said. "You saved us."

"No, you held off a sanin long enough for help to arrive. Don't cut yourself short."

"Yes, aniki." Naruto murmured.

"Alright, hold still for a second, okay?"

Naruto nodded and Amahiko raised his hand, chakra blooming in the shape of the release seal on each fingertip. "And done. How's your chakra flow?"

"It's slow." Naruto said after a moment.

"Let me know if it stays that way. You'll be fine in an hour or so. For now, rest, and let your father know what happened. I'll talk to him later."

"Yes, ni-san." Naruto said, lulled to sleep by Amahiko's hand against this forehead.

'Olympia-sama." An ANBU said, appearing next to the god as he laid his brother down on his assigned bunk. "There is a situation that requires your skills."

Amahiko sighed. "Will I be back in time to see my genin compete in the prelims?"

The ANBU shrugged. "Most likely not."

Amahiko sighed again and summoned a pegasus colt, writing out a quick message to his team and placing it in the colt's messenger bag..

The colt pranced out of the room as the ANBU and AMahiko vanished in a body flicker.


"Leave it. I can handle myself."

"You almost killed a man under it's influence, Sauske." Kakashi warned. "Right now, you are a threat to Konoha. The Curse seal will be removed, by order of the Sandaime Hokage."

"No. I need it's power. I'll kill Itachi and avenge my clan!"

Amahiko snapped his fingers and the genin's eyes rolled in the back of his head and collapsed on the floor.

Kakashi glared while Anko cackled.

"What?" Amahiko asked. "I want to see Team eight win their prelim matches.."

Anko laughed even harder.


Amahiko did not in fact, make it back in time to see his team fight, although Genma had recorded Team Eight and Naruto's matches for him.

Removal of the curse seal was a bit wilder than Anko's possibly because it was a different version, possibly because it hadn't been starved by a stubborn host for a decade.

Either way, subduing the massive white snake that arose from the seal was "Troublesome" as the pair of Nara said, having arrived to help when the snake busted the roof of the sealing chamber instead of crushing everyone.

Amahiko waved his hand and bands of lightning fell from the sky, making the snake, and Sasuke scream.

The genin was almost entirely covered in black marks, his eyes sharingan red as he burned with chakra.

"Watch the secondary fangs!" Someone yelled, possibly Kakashi, although there were twenty jounin and ten ANBU trying to hold down Orocihmaru's monstrosity so Amahiko could seal it away.

"Get Back!" Amahiko yelled, and the Shinobi listened, mainly because in the story of the last time he yelled that, the sand had turned to glass.

"Mokuton! Gate of Purefication!"


Sauske was in a coma, Tsunade Senju was being sent for and Amahiko was being lectured by a bunch of mortal civilians for not simply sealing the malignant parts of the seal instead of removing it entirely and allowing Uchiha-sama to use it's power.

Amahiko was tethering between cursing the civilians or falling asleep.

"As punishment for the destruction of sealing room six, you are hereby ordered to take Uchiha Sasuke as your apprentice once Tsunade has healed him. Teach him everything you know and then some."

Amahiko blinked, having zoned out about thirty seconds into the lecture, and had to process. "For the sake of the village, I refuse."

The face the civilian council made sent several shinobi into silent laughter.

"Are you defying the will of this council?"



Needless to say they weren't happy, but the shinobi side, lead by Shikaku who was present for the whole affair, was very pleased with Amahiko's service to Konoha, and not very pleased with the civilian council, who were overstepping their bounds, and the tradition of the village.

"No one can force a master into an apprenticeship nor get involved once an apprenticeship is accepted." Inoichi, leader of the Yamanaka clan, read from a scroll an ANBU had brought up from the archives. "If you're insistent on punishment, you will have to find something else."

"I'll pay for the missions to rebuild, along with supplies." Amahiko said. He had already been planning to since this was slightly his fault for not anticipating megaconda, even after his eexperience with Orochimaru brand curse seals.

"Accepted." Shikaku declared.

"The Council is dismissed." The Hokage, who had been sitting back and smirking for the most part during that entire triade, not bothering to help a poor helpless god, declared, puffing his pipe smoke. "We shall adjourn until after the third exam."

Shikaku slides up next to Amahiko as he left, eyes sharp. "You refuse because he wants to leave."

"I also refuse because he's a brat and I don't feel like having all my jutsu stolen." Amahiko said, nodding at a desk chunin who for some reason blushed.

"Not that he could. You almost never use hand signs." Shikaku reasoned.

Amahiko nodded. "True. But the brat wants power. We can't give him it because he's a flight risk, and he's a flight risk because we can't give it to him. It's a circle, and unless he gets therapy, he will continue going in circles."

Shikaku sighed. "Troublesome."

"Yup." Amahiko said, popping the P. Shikaku sighed again and stopped, making the god follow suit. "Yoshino wants you and your housemates to have dinner at our place. Chouza, Inoichi and their families will be there as well."

Amahiko thought about it. "I can't guarante Yugao and Tenzou, and Ayumu and Kenzo are on watch tonight, but Kakashi, Naruto and I will be there."

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