Ha! standards are for the weak

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"I have an A class for you." Tsunade said without preamble. "An escort for a Crown prince and his son." 

"Crown Prince?" Amahiko asked, snatching the file Tsunade tossed at him from mid air. 

"Of the cresent moon kingdom. Lots of water travel. Figured I'd take advantage of a sea god in my ranks. Especially since there have been rumors of storm demons." 

"The wild venti." Percy said, eyes narrowed. "And I take it you want me to fend them off? I have no control over them. They are older than me, children of my uncle and wind spirits. They will not bow unless I force them into submission like those among the equines." 

"But can you keep a ship safe for a single journey?" 

Percy considered. "That I can." Amahiko agreed. 

"Good. I'm assigning Kakashi, and Yugao to your team. You can pick the fourth and a fifth if you feel it's necessary." 

"Hmmmmm. Moon Kingdom is Thalia's territory and she's still pissed about the last council meeting so Ayumu and Kenzou are out. I don't feel like dealing with Asuma's questions if he sees something weird. I'm aware most of the jounin know the Olympia are more than human but still. Hmmm. Can I bring Hinata Hyuuga?"

"A genin? May I ask why?" 

"Between me, Yugao and Kakashi, we have the mission covered, but I want Hinata to meet the Northern Nereids and learn to deal with royalty. I'd bring Kiba and Shino but I can imagine Kiba pissing off a princeling a bit too easily and Shino's colony won't do well in the sea so I'll wait to intro those two until later." 

"Well thought out. Gather your team. You leave tomorrow." 

The caravan was massive, spanning almost half a mile in a train of carriages and horses laden with souvenirs from across the elemental nations. 

"Here we go." Amahiko warned and the shinobi lined up, with Amahiko closest to the carriages. 

"Hello, your Majesty. We are shinobi you hired from Konohagakure. My name is Amahiko Olympia and I'm the squad leader.  This is Kakashi Hatake, Yugao Uzuki and my student Hinata Hyuuga. We're here to escort you safely to your kingdom." 

The four shinobi were in summer clothes, short sleeves versions of the standard Jounin gear, only dished out to those going to the tropics while Hinata was wearing something that looked suspiciously like it had come from Yugao's closet and quickly bleached to lighter colors. 

Yugao, however, looked distinctly uncomfortable in light colored clothes and without her mask and leg and arm guards, even if only Kakashi and Amahiko could tell. 

"Good to meet you. I am Prince Michiru Tsuki of the land of Moon." 
Prince Michiru was a very large man, but in the way of too much good food then the way Asuma was built. He was dressed in linen died blue, and in a more summery kimono style, along with sandals. 

"I'd say, you brought a blind girl with you? She can't be a shinobi." 

"Hinata has a special ability in her eyes. I assure you, Prince, she sees better than any of us." 

"If you say so. And who is this beauty?" Michiru took Yugao's hand and kissed it gently, Yugao's other hand twitching for a kunai.

"Yugao Uzuki, best swordsmaster in the village. You can tell the skill of shinobi by the length of their hair, and as you see, Yugao is very skilled." 

"Oh! That's interesting! Why is that?" Michiru asked, attention diverted for the moment.

"Long hair in battle is a liability, able to be grabbed, caught by traps or set aflame. To have long hair, you must be skilled enough to defend it. Some shinobi even braid sharp wire into their hair as a trap. Brightly colored hair is an even greater show of skill, as it cannot be easily hidden. The Sannin, the three strongest ninja in the world, all have hair down past their waist." 

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