Chapter 49: Exposed

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Picture credit goes to SHI21144518201518 !!! It's wayy too adorable not to share with you all! Thank you so much again, Shi, for creating such a cute picture! 😭😍😍

Luna and I continued to talk for a bit before she decided to make a quick run out. I did manage to buy ourselves a couple horses and a carriage, so we didn’t have to rely on calling a Hansom Cab all the time.

“You’re going out? But you just got back? You didn’t think to grab anything while you were in town?” I questioned. “Technically we are still in city limits. We are just in the middle of a freaking forest! I’m craving some sweets all of a sudden-”

“But you know I made a whole cake! Can’t you just eat that?”

“I’m craving candy though. I won’t be gone too long, I promise.” I can tell she was acting strangely, but who am I to keep pushing on her about going anywhere? I let out a small sigh. “Alright, fine. I’ll be okay. I suppose I can finish making some clothes, and a nightgown. I still haven’t a nightgown yet, that’ll be my next project.”

Once she was gone, I make my way upstairs and to my bedroom. I had forgotten about the mini skirt I was working on, and decided to finish that quick.

It wasn’t of necessity, but I figured if he did still want me back, I’d make myself something... Intimate. An... Eye treat if you will. I had also made a cute laced bra, I’d try that on once I finish with the skirt.

When I did finish the skirt, I completely undressed myself of everything, and put on the skirt. I looked into the mirror and turned to the side to look at my back side, making sure it was just perfect. “You should really keep your curtains closed if you’re going to be undressed at night. You wouldn’t want anybody to see you naked, would you?” I suddenly hear a male voice say, scaring me half to death.

I quickly turn around as I cover up my chest with my arms, and there sat Undertaker sitting on my bay window. I then noticed he had closed the curtains as well, and he wasn’t even hiding his eyes.

“What the hell are you doing here, and in my bedroom?! How did you even get in here?!” I questioned frantically. I was still wearing my wig and glasses, so he still thinks I’m “Rouella”.

“I needed to come and talk to you.” He answers as he gets up and walks over to me. “About what?! You couldn’t just knock on my front door like a normal person?!” I ask as I back away from him, trying to find something to cover myself up with.

“And besides that, you said you were in a committed relationship! So what the hell are you sneaking in my room for, watching me as I’m naked-” he suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him. “You can drop the act, now. I know it’s you, Amora.” He says as he pulls off my wig and glasses. “How did you-”

“You already know. I’ve told you, I’ve fallen in love with your very soul. You can disguise yourself all you want, but you can never hide your soul from me.” He then looks down to my stomach as he grazes my scar. “Even if I couldn’t sense your soul, you will always have this scar. Another way for me to know it’s you, Amora.”

“How did you know where to find me?” I questioned. “You basically gave it away. You said you wanted to “live in the woods, where you could often hunt.” Well, this is the only house close by from where I found you. By the way, since when have you known to hunt? And where’d you even get the guns?”

“Luna taught me how, and there’s a room here that is stocked full of guns.” I answer nervously. “Amora, who’s house is this?” He questions sternly. “It’s mine. I bought it the day I left, so we had a place to stay-”

Creature Of A Broken Past (Undertaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now