Chapter 2: Captured

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I was getting ready for my second fencing lesson of the week as Irene, who was one of our many maids, was just finishing up with my hair when mother came in to get me. “(Y/N), you're going to be late! Edwin has the carriage ready for you and is waiting outside!” As soon as Irene was done, I quickly got up and ran out the door. “Thanks again, Irene! I'll see you later, mom. I love you!”

Running as quickly as I could, I ran down the stairs, out the front door and into the carriage where Edwin was waiting with the door open for me. “Thank you, Edwin! I'm sorry for keeping you waiting!”

“No worries, Lady (Y/N). Now let's get you to your lessons.” He closes the door for me, and we make our way over to Aunt Francis's manor, or the Marquessate of Midford.

In case you didn't know, the Marquessate of Midford is a house of knights that has protected England for many generations. The primary duties of the Midford house are to serve Queen Victoria and to shield England from harm. The house greatly respects the code of chivalry, and all members of the house have endured rigorous training in swordsmanship and fencing, even my little cousin, Lady Elizabeth. She is just a year older than my little brothers, but she is also betrothed to the older twin, Ciel. Also, Midford is the name of a highly influential noble family.

Just like the Phantomhives that also work for the Queen. Considering it's going to take at least a couple of hours before I arrive at the Midford house, let me explain to you about the Phantomhives. My parents don't know it, but I have learned about the duties of the “watchdog” that my father works as. My family, the Phantomhives, is the name of a prominent noble family, to which the head of the house is entitled Earl. The Phantomhive earldom is in charge of a strictly confidential agency known as “Phantomhive”, which has been under the control of Queen Victoria for generations. The earls themselves are often called the “Queen's watchdogs” or the “Aristocrats of Evil”.

With that said, if anything should happen to my father, the oldest of the twin brothers will be taking over. Even though my brothers are just 4 years old, Ciel is already slowly learning the importance of being a watchdog and slowly learning the duties.

Even though I'm not the next Earl, as I am a female, I've been asking others what it is all about. So I'll tell you, the agency Phantomhive covers up any number of criminal acts carried out by the Royal Family and eliminates all who may seek to harm the Royal Family as well as every thread linking to the Royal Family's involvement, no matter how dirty the method.

The Phantomhive earldom maintains the division between the “polite society” and the “underworld” of Great Britain. It employs its “monstrous authority” to rule over and police the country's underworld. An interference with the polite society usually prompts the Queen to rely on the Phantomhive earldom to annihilate it. Also, the Phantomhive house has an underworld intelligence network that operates from Europe to Asia, known as the Aristocrats of Evil.

At the Phantomhive Manor:

It was 12:50pm as everyone had already eaten for lunch. Some servants were cleaning up the kitchen, maids were returning to their daily routines. Cleaning up and straightening rooms, changing bed linens, polishing the stair railings and doing laundry. Gardeners were tending to the gardens and chefs were preparing for the next meal.

Earl Vincent Phantomhive was of course, out with his duties as the Queen's watchdog and Lady Rachel Phantomhive was caring for her twin sons when the phone began to ring. The head butler of the household soon answered the phone, though he never expected to hear the sudden news from a certain caller.

“Are you certain she never arrived? She left the manor 3 hours ago with one of our servants. She should have been there an hour ago!”

“What I don't understand is why weren't we notified sooner?!”

“I'll let the Lady know right away, thank you!” Immediately after hanging up the phone, Tanaka quickly went to look for Lady Rachel to inform her of the news.

“Pardon me, my lady, but I'm afraid I have some terrible news. I just received a phone call from the Marquessate of Midford. I'm sorry, I regretfully inform you that Lady (Y/N) never arrived to her practice yet.” Tanaka said, worriedly. “What do you mean, she never arrived? She and Edwin departed 3 hours ago!?” Rachel began to panic. “Yes, I am aware of that. I had informed them about that-”

“Then why haven't they called sooner?! We need to let Vincent know! Send someone out to look for her and Edwin, then call Chlaus, Diedrich and Undertaker! Have them inform Vincent somehow and have them get a hold of us if they hear or see anything, and if you have to, inform Her Majesty at once!” She wasn't going to spare another second when her daughter could very well be in danger. “Of course, my lady.”

It was about an hour into the ride to the Marquessate of Midford when I heard something unusual from outside the carriage before we suddenly came to a stop. “Edwin? What was that? And why did we stop?” I didn't hear a response. I was just about to open the door, when someone opened it for me, but it wasn't Edwin.

"W-who, are you? And where's Edwin?” I asked, a bit worried and confused. “You'll be coming with us, miss.” Just as he said that, he pulled me out of the carriage as another man appeared.

“What is the meaning of this? Edwin, help!” The guy who pulled me out of the carriage pinned me to the side, and the other one began tying my hands together behind me.

“Sorry, little lady. But Edwin won't be helping you.” One of them begins laughing and I struggle to fight them off. “What do you mean, he won't be helping me? Edwin! Where are you?! Help me!” I begin screaming as I try kicking them away. The men grab onto my arms and begin pulling me towards another carriage. Just then I saw Edwin's lifeless body in front of our carriage.

“No! Edwin!” I begin crying once I seen what they had done to him. “What did you do to him?! Why are you doing this? Let me go!” I tried fighting back as hard as I could. Suddenly, though, they had placed a damp cloth to my nose and mouth. It smelled strongly of something, but I couldn't tell what. Just before we made it to their carriage, I was starting to lose vision.

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