Chapter 32: Wedding Dress / Lemon

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Credit goes to the wonderful person that made this picture!! 🖤😏

“Good evening, Nina, Mey-Rin! I wasn’t expecting to see you this evening, though it’s a pleasure seeing you here!” I greeted as they take a seat. Undertaker walks back over to me to sit down as well.

“Yes, my young Lord asked for me to come as well to help plan for your wedding, he did! He said what you can decide tonight, he’ll help to pick up tomorrow or within the next couple days.” She explains.

“Amora, I’m so happy you’re getting married! So tell me, do either of you have any ideas on how you want your dress and suit?” Nina asks excitedly as she looks between Undertaker and I.

“Well, we had just decided on the colors. White with some gold and black added to them.” Undertaker answers as I open up my sketchbook.

“I made a drawing of how I would like my dress. Now before I show you, I will warn you it’s nothing like any of your typical wedding gowns. Figuring this is going to be a very special day, I want it to be... Unique and different. You’ve always known me to be different when I was growing up.” I explain.

“Absolutely, it was hard trying to please you with your dresses.” She laughs. “Also, it’s only going to be worn once, so I wanted it to be very different. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. While I know I will be criticized for this, it’s... What I really want.” I then hand her the book, and she takes a look.

“Oh my word... Amora, it is beautiful! Don’t worry about what others will say to you, it is your day, both of yours! I will be more than happy to make this for you!! Oh, I’m so excited!!” She practically screams out.

Mey-Rin then takes a peek, and she immediately has a nosebleed. “My lady... I can only imagine what master Ciel will say about this-”

“It’s what I want! It’s our wedding, and I’m going to make it how I want it, and of course how Undertaker wants it! Ciel’s the one that said I should have the wedding of my dreams and not settle for anything less, well, this is my dream dress!”

“Yes, my fountain of imagination is overflowing with this! I know exactly how I will design Undertaker’s suit! It will be absolutely perfect...”

As Nina is practically exploding with excitement and going off about her ideas, Undertaker leans over to me and speaks softly into my ear. “Is she always this crazy?” He asks, making me almost laugh too loudly.

Looking over at him as I try to stifle my laughter, I nod my head. “Yes. Yes she is.” I say quietly. After hearing her say something about a corset, Undertaker immediately interrupts her.

“Nina, hold on a minute please.” He says loud enough for her to hear, as she was pretty much yelling out her ideas. She stops and looks over at him.

“While we appreciate all of your help and your wonderful ideas, I don’t think a corset would be a very good one. I know you’ve made her a few already, and I love the bulletproof materials in them, I personally just don’t like the idea of her wearing them. I love her just the way she is, she doesn’t need a corset to make her look any more beautiful.” He then looks over at me and smiles.

“She’s just perfect the way she is, she doesn’t need a slimmer looking waist.” He adds, as he looks at me lovingly. Even though we couldn’t see his eyes, you can still hear the love in his voice.

“Awe, Amora! You definitely have yourself a keeper! Okay, I won’t make the corset. I’m just so excited to make these!...”

As she continues to rave on her ideas, I also continued to look at him in amazement. “You really mean that?” I ask in shock. He then places his hand behind my back. “Of course I do. I love you exactly the way you are, my love.” He then gives me a kiss.

“I love you just the way you are as well.” I smile, and he returns it. She finally finishes raving about her ideas and has Undertaker stand up. She begins taking his measurements before I lead her to the bedroom, so she can begin making the dress and suit. Heading back to the living room, we continue to talk with Mey-Rin about our wedding.

“We do appreciate yours, Nina’s and of course Ciel’s help with our wedding. We know it’s such short notice, so having your help is very appreciated.” I say as we discussed everything we would like for now.

“Oh of course, we would love to help you out no matter what, we will. Now just one more thing yet, what are your plans for the cake?” She asks, and Undertaker and I look back at each other.

“Um, actually... I think I want to make that. I know it’s unusual but because I love baking and I actually haven’t baked anything in over a month, I would really like to make it myself.” I say as I had turned back to Mey-Rin. I then look back at him.

“Is that alright?” I ask, and he smiles. “Absolutely, my dear. Who am I to tell you no?” He gives out a chuckle and I do as well. “Alright then, that’s covered.” I say, and he gives me a quick kiss.

“I will let the young Lord know about all of this, and we can maybe discuss more within the next few days?” She asks, and Undertaker and I both agree.

Nina then comes out and has me go look at my dress. Walking into the bedroom, my eyes started watering the second I saw my dress. “Nina!! It’s absolutely perfect, thank you so much!” I exclaim as I go to hug her.

“Don’t thank me just yet, try it on!” Taking the dress, she closes the door and I change into it. I look into the mirror and started crying. “Nina, you did absolutely amazing with this, I love it so much!!” She then adds the veil to my head and looks in the mirror at me.

Creature Of A Broken Past (Undertaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now