(Y/N) Phantomhive is the older sister of Ciel Phantomhive. She had sworn to protect her baby brothers from harm the day they were born, though 4 years later she was taken from her beloved family. She went missing for over 2 years before she had fina...
On our way over to the Undertaker's, Ciel had told me he would prefer if I would stay out in the carriage while he went inside, though he never gave me a real reason why. Of course, there was no way I was just going to stay inside the carriage. I was staring out the window when I found a place I had really wanted to visit.
"Sebastian, stop the carriage!" I yelled out, and we immediately came to a stop. "What is it, (Y/N)?" Ciel asks. "I don't know why you don't want me to go in with you guys, and I most certainly won't just stay in the carriage!" I then point in the direction of the place I want to visit. "This museum here, I must see it! So if I'm not waiting outside here by the time you're done, I will just meet you at the manor!"
"(Y/N)-" I immediately cut him off. "I will be fine. I have my sword now, I'll see you later!" With that I jump out of the carriage. "See you later, Sebastian! Go on ahead without me!" I say as I rush up to the museum.
I've heard stories about this museum, and it's always intrigued me. Everybody would tell me how creepy it is, so it's just right up my alley. I've always loved anything others didn't. This museum is called House of Dreams, and I couldn't be more excited. (I know this place never existed back then, but I want to add it to this story just because 😆) I've even brought my camera with me, as I hardly go anywhere without it.
I've been told every surface inside and outside has been covered with found objects, such as false teeth, old disabled dolls, bottle tops and wigs, along with handwritten memory boards which recall important events in the owner's life.
There were dolls, heads, and other things that were hung all over the walls and everywhere outside as well. I took pictures of a few of the 'weirdest' places. After being there for about 20 minutes was when I started to freak out. Not because of the art there, but because of the boards I was reading.
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(Not my photos! I found them off Google!)
"You can go back but you can't go home - It isn't there anymore."
"I have no sense of belonging. Where is my home"
"Come with me... Let me take you on a little journey.
Do you still remember him? I remember the parting on the back of my mom's head. Her hair was silver grey." I was now having a flashback from when I was younger. Him, my father's informant. He also has silver hair. I felt my eyes starting to water. I missed him so much. I turned my head and seen another sign. "I'm making a world within a world because I don't like the one I live in." Then there was the one sign that made me leave immediately after.
"I want to go home. Your life for the taking days have ended." Everything was now giving me flashbacks from when I was taken, and how badly I just wanted to go home. I was starting to have an anxiety attack. Just as I was going to turn to leave, I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder, making me scream. I turned around to see who it was, and I was met with someone who has long red hair and glasses. Was it a man or a woman?
"I've finally found you! What are you doing here anyway? This place is a little creepy." Their teeth were sharp! Who is this person?! "I'm sorry? Do I know you?" They then smile. "Not yet anyway. I am the Queen of Death, darling! A Grim Reaper. The name's Grell, Grell Sutcliff. And you're (Y/N), right? (Y/N) Phantomhive?" I stand there terrified as my breath becomes stuck in my throat. The fact that she's a Grim Reaper and knows my name could only mean...
"A G-Grim Reaper? S-so you're here to..." I was scared to hear the answer. She smiles even more. "No, I'm not here for that. Though, it is rather interesting that you're still here. I've already collected your soul 6 years ago! Very interesting indeed. However, I'm only here because there is someone who would like to see you." She answers, and I sigh in relief. "Someone wants to see me? Who might that be?"
"He goes by the name of Undertaker. He sent me out to look for you." I was even more confused. "Undertaker? But my brother went to go see him. He told me he didn't want me to go in?"
"So you just listen to someone who is younger than you are?! Your brother has already left to who knows where. All I know is Undertaker wants to see you, so lets go!"
On our way over to the Undertaker's, I recognized the streets from before. I was now having another flashback to where I was running from my attackers. My heart began racing as I picked up my pace. I was now running, and I barely heard Grell yelling from behind me. "Hey, slow down! Why are you running?!" I didn't turn back though. I kept running as I turned the same corners from before. I recognized the very same spot from which I had been shot at, making me run even faster. Turning another corner, I found the place I had run into. I quickly make my way over to the door and open it up.
The room was dark, and I didn't see anyone in sight. I finally heard Grell catching up to me. "What the hell was that all about?! Why'd you take off running?" She asks as she catches her breath. "I'm sorry, Grell. I was having a bit of a flashback. I've been here before." I admit as I take a look around. There were coffins everywhere! I don't ever remember seeing any coffins. Was this a different place from before? Did the other person move? I turn around to face Grell again.
"I do apologize-" She cuts me off. "It's alright. This is the place I was supposed to bring you to anyway. I would stay longer, but I have some things to take care of." She then turns to leave. "Good afternoon, it's so lovely to see you." I jump at the sudden voice. It sounded... Familiar! I turn around to face the man. "How can I help-" He stops as soon as he sees me. My eyes widen, it was father's informant!
"Lady (Y/N)..." I run up to him and give him the biggest hug. "I've missed you so much!" I exclaim, and he returns the hug. I pull away to look up at him, and he was giving me a big smile. "I never thought I'd see you again! You were always my favorite person!"
"I've missed you as well, my lady... Is there something wrong?" He asks as he notices my expression change. "You... You're the one I ran to... 6 years ago?" I ask as soon as everything started to click together.
"Hehehe. You remember, do you? Yes, it was I who you had come running to that night. I'm a little surprised you knew where to find me."
"Actually I didn't. It was coincidental that I found this place. I didn't know that it was you though. At the time I was losing so much blood, I couldn't make out your face. I knew your voice sounded familiar but I didn't realize that it was you!" I then smile.