Chapter 47: A New Life

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I would like to give credit to SHI21144518201518 again for helping me with this chapter as well!

Drawing is my own, of Amora and Luna to give you an idea of what she looks like 🖤
Enjoy! 🖤

As I left my home and walked by the dumpster, I barely noticed his lockets hanging out. I pull them out and take a look at them. Adrian, I can’t let you just throw these out. This is your treasure.

I take a look back at our home, and decided to keep it with me until I return. I refuse to be the reason he throws these out. I know these mean a lot to him. I know I’m not his first love. There’s nothing I can do about that. He’s been on this earth for a long time, he’s had other loves.

I won’t be the type of person who gets upset and jealous about that. It was his right to love others. This is just one step closer to bettering myself. I hook the chain around my waist and continue on my way.

I have no idea where I’m going, or where I plan to go. I just continue on walking until I figure it out along the way.

After about a half an hour, I started to recognize the neighborhood, and I knew where I wanted to go. Quickly running, I make my way over to the house and start pounding on the door.

It took a minute, but the door finally opens. “Amora? What are you doing here, it’s 5 o’clock in the morning!”

“I know, I’m sorry but I don’t have too much time to explain.” I say as I let myself inside. “What are you talking about?”

“I need to borrow some clothes, and a wig-”

“Amora, what is going on?! Did you do something?! Where’s Undertaker?!”

“I need your help, please! Can I please borrow some stuff?!”

“Not until you explain what the hell is going on! Amora Phantomhive, what did you do?!”

“I am no longer Amora Phantomhive, I left him-”

“Then who the hell are you if you are no longer Phantomhive?! And are you mad?! Give me a reason not to call him right now and have him come here?! I’m sorry but I will no longer take it easy on you if you left the man you are supposed to be with-”

“It’s only temporary, Luna!! I can’t be around him right now when I’m like this! I need to change myself into a better person if I’m to love him properly! I’ve done too much to hurt him, I can’t live with myself if I continue on hurting him like I have! That’s where I need your help... Luna, please.” I was on the verge of tears again. “Amora...”

“Please.” I whisper out. “When have you ever heard me ask for help?... Not as long as you’ve known me... I have to change, Luna. I need to turn into a better woman, so I can love him and treat him as he deserves!”

“Then what is the reason to change your appearance and name? That has nothing to do with changing your ways!”

“Because I don’t need him or anyone else going out looking for me! Also, so I can stay safe from my attackers! Luna... They are constantly after me. They are constantly watching me. If I change my appearance and name, it will throw them off. I left Undertaker a letter, promising my return and safety. I can’t stay safe unless I change everything else.”

“How long are you planning on being away?” She questions. “I’m not sure yet. However long it takes for me to get better. But I did tell him it shouldn’t be more than a month. But we need to hurry, Luna. Because I don’t want him calling here or showing up while I’m here!”

“Well where do you plan on going until then-”

“Luna, I don’t know!!! Please, will you help me or not?!”

“Damn it, Amora. Fine, I will help you!” I smile widely before grabbing her arm and run towards her bedroom.

She looks around finding some clothes for me and throws me a pair of pants, shirt and sweater. She then digs in her closet and hands me a purple wig with glasses. “Thank you, Luna. You have no idea how much this means to me.” I say before I go to change. “You owe me for this. Now go change!”

 Now go change!”

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