Not my picture! Credit goes to the artist! 🖤
“So when did you develop your feelings for each other?” Luna asks. I then look over at Adrian, and he does the same to me. I honestly couldn’t stop blushing by this point.
“Well, when I realized it was her that came to my shop that second time, I knew that she was just beautiful. Though, I still never imagined us being together. We talked for a good portion of the evening, and we had gone out to eat. When I had touched her hand to take hold of it as I showed her something, I knew she was meant to be mine.... But I knew she was betrothed to another, and was supposed to be marrying someone else.”
“But of course that same person had believed I was dead for the last 6 years. So he had moved on and got engaged to someone else.” I explained as I looked at Luna. “Who was that?” She asks. “Someone who I never wanted to marry to begin with. But it had already been arranged once I was born. It was my cousin, Edward. Just as Ciel is betrothed to Edward’s sister, Elizabeth.”
“Ewe!” She then exclaims, making me laugh. “Exactly. I was never thrilled about it, and really didn’t want to. So I was extremely relieved once he told me he got engaged to someone else.”
“So once she had informed me about that, I of course took my chance and asked her to be mine.”
“And that was the same day we met you and our bosses that morning. We had just finished eating a late lunch. And we were both cleaning when I had finally built up the courage and asked him about him knowing about my feelings towards him.”
“I will never get over how red you had become once I shown my face to you.” He laughs, making me super red again. “Oh, shut it! That was the night before!”
“It was still super adorable, love!” He continues to laugh. “Now you have to tell me, what did she do when she seen your face?!”
“She was as red as can be, and she couldn’t stop stuttering.” He teases. “It was beyond adorable. I knew at that moment that she had liked me. But again, I had thought she was still betrothed to Edward, so I couldn’t and wouldn’t do anything about it.”
“It wasn’t at that moment though that you knew I liked you. It was before that. The day I came back to your shop.”
“Ah, yes. She had blurted out that she had already thought I was attractive, even though I had my face covered.”
“How did that happen?”
“Because I was so persistent on him showing his eyes to me, that I accidentally blurted out that he would look even more attractive if he would just show his eyes.”
“And once she realized what she had said, she had become so embarrassed.”
“So did you! Your face became red as well once I said you’d look even more attractive if you would!”
“Awwe! I wish I could have seen both of your reactions!!! You are just so perfect together, I can’t stand it!” She practically squeals out. “Okay, Luna! Settle down!” I say as I laugh.
After a while, I had decided to get up and carry the plate into the kitchen to wash it. As I finish, I feel Adrian wrapping his arms around me from behind. “How are you doing, doll?” He asks softly into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
“Doll? Since when do you call me doll?” I tease as I bring my head back against his chest and look up at him. He takes hold of both of my hands as he looks down into my eyes. “Technically you are one, my dear. I had decided to call the ones I bring back to life bizarre dolls, as they don’t have their souls... Well, with the exception of you of course. So actually, I don’t know what I should call you. But I still like the idea of doll as a nickname.” He explains as he presses his lips to mine, giving me a passionate kiss.
“How are you feeling though, baby? Are you getting tired yet?” He asks lovingly. “I suppose I am getting a little tired. But I’ve missed you so much, I want to spend a little more time with you before I even go to sleep.” I answer.
“Mm, I missed you too, baby... I’m going to use the bathroom quick, okay?” He says before giving me another kiss. “I can show you where the bathroom is-”
“That’s alright, love. I’ll use the one in your bedroom, as I know where that’s at.” He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before he turns around to leave the kitchen. As he does, I notice Luna walking in.
As she looks at me, I can tell she was ready to explode with excitement, causing me to roll my eyes. “Go ahead, Luna. You can say it.” I say as I smile. “HE’S FUCKING GORGEOUS!!!!” She bursts out before quickly covering her mouth. She almost looked terrified, which in turn made me laugh. “Luna, it’s okay! I gave you permission. I knew that was what you wanted to say.” I say as I continue to laugh.
“I knew you said he was beautiful, but I never imagined he’d look that... There’s just no word to explain!!!” I was laughing even more as she was becoming more embarrassed. “Amora... You guys are so perfect together! You are literally made for each other!! I officially vote you two as the cutest couple on the planet!!!” She squeals out, almost bursting my eardrums. “Okay Luna, thank you! But you don’t need to burst my eardrums!!”
“I’m sorry! But seeing you guys together makes my heart beyond happy! I’m deathly serious when I say this, but god forbid should you two ever break up... I’m kicking both of your asses, and forcing you two to make up and settle your problems! I refuse to ever see you broken apart! Ever!”
“I appreciate your support for us.” I answer nervously. “Amora, I’m so happy you took my advice! So what did you say to him?!” She asks. Excitedly. “Well, I... Asked him about him knowing my feelings towards him-”
“And what did he say?!” She interrupts impatiently, making me roll my eyes once again. “He answered with “I do,” as he walked up to me. Then I proceeded to ask why he hadn’t said anything about it, to which he responded that he thought I was still betrothed to Edward. So he wouldn’t. When I told him that he had moved on and got engaged to someone else, that was when he asked me to be his.”
“Did you kiss?!?”
“Not right away... Maybe 10 minutes later.”
“How did that happen? Who made the first move??”
“He kept making me blush, to which he thought was adorable. Of course. So he leaned down closer to me and... I allowed him to take my first kiss.”
“Awwww, Amora!! You have to tell me now... How was it?! I mean it was your first ever kiss?? Was it good?! Was it great?!” I started laughing again as I felt myself beginning to blush again. “It was wonderful. Better than I had ever imagined my first to be. His lips felt perfect. Warm and loving... I don’t know. But it was beyond perfect.”
“Did you feel any sparks?!” She questions. “I did. I felt it all. Sparks. Butterflies. Everything.” I admit quietly. “How long did it take for you to get in bed?”
“Tell me!”
“That’s none of your business!”
“Was it right away?!”
“Tell me!”
“Damn it, Luna! You nosey bugger! It was a week ago!”
“That long?! What was the hold up?!”
“He was my first! That’s what! And... He wanted to make it perfect for me.... And he did.... It was beyond perfect.” I added quietly as I think back on that wonderful night. “Slow and gentle?” She teases, and I was now as red as can be. “Luna! That is enough now! You don’t need to know all of my business!”
She suddenly walks up to me and begins pushing me out of the kitchen and upstairs towards my room. “Luna, what are you doing?!” I questioned confused. “You are going to go have some fun! He’s staying here tonight, and you-”
“Luna! You can’t decide when we do it or not-”
“You want to make it up to him for you leaving to be away? This is a good start, now go!” She says as she pushes me into my room, closes the door and leaves.
As I stood there completely stunned, I start to look around only to notice my mattress had been completely moved. Even more confused, I look around to see where it is, and found it laying in front of my fireplace. Flower petals everywhere once again, and candles were lit up everywhere around it, and the fireplace was lit on.
“What is going on?” I question to myself, before I feel a pair of hands lightly wrapping around me. “I know how much you wanted a romantic night, baby.” He whispers softly into my ear.
“Then I ended up ruining that night... I wanted to make it up to you, so I did this.” He then places a soft kiss just below my ear, making me give out a soft moan as he trails down my neck. “I hope you like it, love.”
“Adrian-” I say as I turn around to face him and look up at him. “I love it, but I should be the one making things up to you.” I then bring my hands up to his bare chest as he places his hands to my hips and closes the gap between us. “Oh? Maybe you can do that next time. But tonight... I want to give you a romantic night you’ve been wanting.” He says quietly and seductively as he brings one hand behind my ear and gives me the most wonderful kiss.
He slowly begins to undress me as we continue to kiss. As I step out of my pants, I begin pulling down his, and he does the same. He then removes my shirt and bra, and before I know it, he’s wrapping one of the blankets around our waists. (Like the picture above!)
He runs his fingers through my hair and begins kissing my temple. “How did you... Get all... This set up so fast?” I question in between breaths as he was making me feel absolutely wonderful.
“It’s one of my many abilities as a reaper. I can get things done very swiftly.” He then leans into my ear. “Except for in bed, that is.” His breath was enough to send shivers throughout my body, making me moan out a little more. “Baby.” I barely whisper out as I’m starting to feel butterflies all throughout my stomach and chest. “Yes?”
“How is it you still treat me so wonderful... Even after everything I’ve put you through?” I question softly. “I’ve explained to you many times, doll. How about I just show you?” He carefully lays us down onto the bed, and helps adjust me perfectly onto the pillows. “What do you mean?”
“I want to show you just how much I love you. And just how much you mean to me. And... Just how much I need you.” He then gives me a gentle and loving kiss.
He slowly trails down my jaw line before stopping at my ear once again. “I want you to feel just how beautiful you are to me. I want to make you feel out of this world. Most of all?...”
“What’s that?” I ask, almost out of breath as I anticipate his answer. “I want to fill you up... And have you begging for more. For me. And make this the best night you’ll ever have.”
When he looks back into my eyes, I notice he was blushing. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t blushing myself. He then smiles at me for a few more seconds before he begins trailing soft kisses all around my neck.

Creature Of A Broken Past (Undertaker x Reader)
Storie d'amore(Y/N) Phantomhive is the older sister of Ciel Phantomhive. She had sworn to protect her baby brothers from harm the day they were born, though 4 years later she was taken from her beloved family. She went missing for over 2 years before she had fina...