Chapter 72: Built For Pleasure

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I woke up to the bed feeling wet. Remembering about the ice pack, I quickly sit up to search for it. With the fireplace still lit, along with the candles the room was still lit just enough for me to see. I quickly, yet, quietly search all over the bed for the ice pack, but I couldn’t find it. I soon notice it was already sitting on the nightstand that was next to Adrian. Well, if he already set the bag aside... Then what is causing the bed to feel wet?? It wasn’t me... Was it?!

It was then, when I noticed Adrian was tossing and turning in his sleep, sweating profusely, and breathing rapidly. He must be having a terrible nightmare! Crawling over to him, I carefully shake him in an attempt to wake him up. “Adrian, honey, wake up.” He tosses a few more times before he wakes up in a complete panic, with tears streaming down his face.

“Hey, honey, it’s okay! I'm right here! It's just a nightmare, okay?” I say soothingly as I pull him into my arms and hold him tightly. “Oh, god! Amora, thank goodness!” He says in a panicked tone, as he holds on to me as well. I feel his body tensing up before he breaks, causing him to be in a full meltdown. “Hey, sweetheart. It's okay, now. I'm right here for you.”

I probably spent the next 10 minutes comforting him, trying to get him to calm down enough for him to tell me what happened. “If it’s alright, would you mind telling me what happened? What your dream was about?” I ask cautiously, as I pull away just slightly to look at him. I then wipe away his tears as I look deep into his eyes. He looks away for a few seconds before turning to look back at me with what seemed to be a shameful expression.

“It was about.... What happened last night. With me almost completely losing you, forever...” He answers quietly. “And not only that, but with your house fire as well.” He admits even more quietly. “Honey... Are you still having nightmares about that?” He again looks away the second I asked that. “Baby... Please look at me.” I say gently as I get him to look back at me.

“Yes. I have been having a lot of nightmares about that still. I didn’t tell you because... I didn’t want to worry or upset you. Especially with your current condition. I couldn’t add any more stress to what you have already been going through.”

“Adrian, I'll always want you to tell me. I am and will always be here for you, just as you are for me. But I can’t be there for you if you don’t tell me your problems! Just as you wouldn’t be able to be there for me if I didn’t tell you any of mine! We made a promise to each other that we wouldn’t keep anything from each other, no matter what. I want you to tell me these things, honey. I want to be able to help you any way I possibly can, because you are always there for me. I love you so much.”

“I love you so much too, sweetie. I’m sorry I haven’t been telling you.”

“How often have you been having these nightmares?”

“At least 3 times a week. Sometimes less.”

“Honey, but we only just found out about my pregnancy. Why haven’t you been telling me before that?”

“I’ve just felt... embarrassed about it. I’m-”

“There’s nothing to feel embarrassed about, sweetheart. Everybody has nightmares from time to time.”

“Yes, but not as often as I do.”

“Nobody else would ever know besides me, Adrian. Your wife. You can trust me with absolutely anything!”

“I know, honey. I’m so sorry.” He says, and his eyes were starting to well up again. I then pull him in for a comforting kiss, and I push him backwards with me on top. I give him the most loving and assuring kiss that I can possibly give, and he pulls me more into him.

After about another minute or so, I slowly pull away and look at him. As I look into his eyes, I could tell he was still a little distracted. “What’s on your mind, honey?” I ask. “Still the dream.” He responds as he looks away again. My heart was beginning to break a little. Before I can say anything, he looks back at me and speaks some more. “You died, Amora. In this dream. You did drink the tea, and not only that, we were at your house. Then all of a sudden it erupted in flames, and there was nothing I could do. I tried saving you, but I couldn’t reach you. And the next thing I knew, I was outside watching as your house burned down, with you still in it! I just stood there and watched as everything happened! And I couldn’t do a damn thing about it and to save you!!”

He begins to cry again, and I continue to try comforting him. “I’m right here though, sweetie. It was only a dream. As long as I can help it, I will never leave you either-”

“But if you would have drunken that tea, there would be nothing that nobody could ever do!”

“But I didn’t drink it, alright? What matters is that I am right here, right.... on top of you.” I say as I try to lighten the mood. I managed to get the slightest chuckle out of him, making me let out a soft giggle. “I’m perfectly fine, and that’s all thanks to you. I love you so much.” I say as I give him another kiss.

“I love you so much too, baby.” He says as he cups my face. “Can I get you anything?” He suddenly shakes his head. “No! There is no way I am allowing my pregnant wife get me anything when I am perfectly capable of getting things myself.”

“But what if I want to?”

“I might allow you to come with me, but I can get something to drink myself. I just can’t allow you to do something for me when I am capable of doing it myself.”

“You do a lot of things for me when I am capable of doing them myself!”

“Yes, but it is different now. You need to take things easy now, and not do anything that would be straining for you.”

“It’s 50/50, not 80/20. I will start to feel horrible if I can’t do anything for you when you do SO much for me!”

“Don’t.” He simply states as he pulls me down for a tender kiss. I soon crawl off of him as he wanted to get up, and he gets out of bed. “I’m going to get something to drink, Dearie. Do you want to come with, or do you want me to get you anything?”

“I’m coming with!” I say as I get up and out of bed, and he helps me out of the bed. He then turns me to face him. “There is another reason why I don’t want you to go get me anything.” He says quietly. “And what might that be?” I ask as I look up into his eyes. “Because of what happened last time you went to go get something to drink in the middle of the night. You were exactly as you are now.” He says as he looks down at my body then back up to my eyes.

I then remembered exactly what he was talking about. When I had received the scar on my neck. It happened just less than a week ago, I had woken up to get something to drink, accidentally waking him up in the process. He offered to get water for me, but I also had to use the bathroom, so I went myself anyway. I was completely naked just as I am now. As soon as I had gotten into the kitchen and grabbed a glass, was when I was almost abducted.

Just as we had gotten into the front of the shop was when I tried fighting and kicking trying to get out of the person’s grip. That was when I got body slammed onto the floor, and Adrian came to my rescue, already calling me his wife at that point in time. That was when it happened. When the man slit my throat open.

I shudder at the sheer memory, and he notices immediately, pulling me into a tight hug. Even though it was less than a week ago, it seemed like it was just last night. My throat was still very painful, but there was nothing we could do about that now. Now knowing about the pregnancy, I was no longer able to take the pain medicine he was giving me. So, I am forced to just deal with the pain, and ignore it the best I possibly can.

“It’s going to be alright, baby. I am right here. I will never let that happen to you ever again, I promise you that.”

“Thank you.” I answer as I tighten the hug. I then pull away and look up at him as I bring my hands up to his arms and smile. “Luckily, we are far away from London. I am somewhat safe here. The only person who knows I am here besides Tori is Molly. She can see me naked with you all she wants and be jealous about it. But you on the other hand, mister, you better put on some underwear! Should she have managed to get inside, she doesn’t need to be seeing your giant penis! I don’t care if she has seen it before, and I don’t care to know. That was then and this is now.” I state, causing him to laugh.

“Way to be blunt about it, hehehe. I can’t be that giant though.” He smirks. “Of course, you are! I may have been taken advantage of multiple times while I was missing… But they were quite small. Though, it was still painful for me. I was just a child at the time. You? You are like 5 times their sizes!! Why do you think I asked if you would even fit our first time?!” He again laughs. “I’ve never given that much thought, Dearie.”

“You are insanely huge! Now get some underwear on!” He laughs as he puts some on, and I put on his shirt, only buttoning the bottom half. Just as we finish, we make our way into the kitchen where he gets a glass of water and drinks it. I was waiting by the table as he finishes, and I didn’t even notice him walking over to me.

The next thing I know, he slightly turns me and grabs me by the waist, and hoisted me onto the table. He then brings his hands down to my thighs, pulling me towards his body. Wrapping my arms around the back of his neck, he leans into me and begins kissing me as we were leaning slightly backwards. It was definitely a heated kiss, and it most definitely caught me off guard, but I certainly didn’t mind.

Once we were both running out of air he begins to slowly pull away, letting me know in the process that he did not want to stop, but we had to. As he looks deep into my eyes, we give each other a happy and content smile. “Well, I certainly was not expecting that!” I giggle as I look down to his lips, then back up to his eyes, where they were practically sparkling as he looks at me. “I just wanted to show you just how much I appreciate you, my sweetheart.”

“Oh? What did I do to deserve such a wonderful surprise?” I tease as my smile grows. “What haven’t you done? You became my girlfriend. You have been giving me your undying love and devotion. You gave me another gift to look forward to, and then you married me! I am the luckiest man in the universe, as the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth has chosen me.” He practically whispers in a very seductive way. I couldn’t help but gulp at his words. I wanted nothing more than to take him right here and now, but of course, I couldn’t. Our bodies wouldn’t allow for it, and that was of course my fault.

“You… Y-you really mean that?” I ask as I pull him just a little closer to me. “Absolutely, my love. I would never lie to you.” He answers as he inches closer to my ear. “And another thing…. You are the only one to have ever complimented my size.” He then whispers before pulling away to see my reaction. I blushed. Hard. I again swallowed my own saliva, and it was starting to become extremely hot in here. “Y-you’re just saying that now! T-there’s no way, I can’t be!”

“But you are! You are the only one who has complimented me.”

“I find that very hard to believe, I’m sorry! You are way too big for me to be the only one to say that! Especially out of almost 700 years!? You have to be lying!”

“I’m not though, Amora. That is not something I would lie about.” I was at a loss for words. Are these women nuts?! He’s a god-damn beast with his size!!! “Are they all insane!? You’re a freaking BEAST!!!” He begins laughing like a lunatic, and fell onto the floor laughing his ass off. But I had also seen his face was bright red as well, causing me to laugh with him. I actually managed to make him flustered!! How adorable is that?!

After a few more minutes of laughter, he finally settles down before getting back up and steps back up to me, smiling adorably. “I love you so much, Amora. You are amazing, don’t ever forget that.” He says before kissing me lovingly. “I love you too, Adrian. And you are just as amazing, if not more. Yeah, you are more amazing!” I smile. He helps me off the table before we exit the kitchen. But instead of walking back to the bedroom, he takes me towards the back of the house.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask as we suddenly come to a stop. “It’s a little... Surprise. Not that big of one, though.” He answers as he grabs a rather big blanket and wraps it around me. “I’m still feeling a little warm after waking up from my... Nightmare. I just want to get some fresh air. You, on the other hand, I want you to keep warm.” He says before placing a kiss to my cheek. He then guides me out the door, revealing a very large, cute and homely screened porch. There was a large couch out here, along with a few chairs, and a nice little fire pit in the middle of the floor. I would even go as far as to say that it would make for a very romantic night out here.

He turns on a small lamp in the corner before we both sit on the porch swing that was beside it. “Honey, it looks so lovely out here! We could even make for a romantic night out here as well!” I exclaim excitedly. “Indeed, we can. We can do that tomorrow night if you would like.”

“Please? That would be amazing!”

“Anything for you, love. We can most certainly do that.” He smiles. We were both sitting on opposite ends of the swing. He was sitting in one corner that was closer to the house, while I was sitting on the opposite corner of the swing.

He continued to stare over at me without uttering a word, and I finally spoke up about it. “What are you thinking about? You keep staring at me.” I say, and he then shakes his head. “Just thinking. I’ve got to be the most horrible person there is now.”

“What makes you say that? Because I can guarantee you most certainly are not!” I respond, a little hurt that he could think so. “Because.... Thinking back on everything...”

“You aren’t having second thoughts, are you?”

“No! Absolutely not! No, I am just thinking about how... I think it is a good thing that... you disappeared all those years ago.” He answers quietly and ashamedly. I look at him with the most confusion I have ever had. “What in the world do you mean by that?!” I question. I will admit, I am a little offended and hurt over that.

“Because if you hadn’t... You would still be betrothed to Edward. It is only because of your disappearance that he had moved on and found somebody else. That gave you the freedom to choose whoever you wanted to be with. And now... We are with each other, and we are now married and starting our own little family. I couldn’t be happier knowing that you chose me. That you chose to be with me and love me and everything else. That is what I mean.”

I felt my eyes beginning to water, and without thinking I threw myself at him. He catches me and wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace. He turns his head and begins kissing the side of my neck ever so gently. “I love you so much, Adrian! You had me scared there for a moment!!” I begin crying. “I am so sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to cause you any heartache. I was just saying that if that had never happened to you, that we wouldn’t be together now. But that most certainly does not mean that I am happy you disappeared, no! I still blame myself over that. You never deserved anything that you had ever gone through when you were away. I should have found you a lot sooner. I could have prevented everything that you did go through-”

“It’s okay. I now understand what you mean. And it wasn’t your fault that you couldn’t find me. What matters now is that I am okay. I am here now. I am here with you, and we are having our own family in the making.” I say as I pull away slightly to look up at him. “You are right. And I will do everything I can to make sure nothing else ever happens to you. Ever. Or our children, or even with our family. I will protect you all with everything I have. I give you my word on that.”

“Thank you.” I give him one more kiss before I climb off of him. We only came out here, so he can cool off, and he can’t do that if I continued to lay on top of him, and especially with me wearing a big, heavy blanket.

We continued to stay out here for another 5-10 minutes before he finally decided we should head back inside. After he locked up the door, I set the blanket down neatly, and we make our way back into the bedroom and snuggle back up into bed, with our clothes off once again. Saying our good nights and giving each other one more kiss, I fall into a peaceful slumber within his arms.

Creature Of A Broken Past (Undertaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now