I woke up in the middle of the night still feeling dehydrated. Opening my eyes, I was still being held in Undertaker’s arms. The moon must have been pretty bright out tonight, as it was practically glowing through the curtains, illuminating the whole room. Not wanting to wake him up, I carefully move out of his arms but I still ended up waking him up anyway.
“Mm, is everything alright, baby?” He asks softly, sleep clear in his voice. I look over at him and his eyes were still closed. “Yeah, I’m sorry for waking you, I’m still pretty dehydrated. I was just going to get some more water.” I answer as I go to sit up. I hear him turning before I feel him placing his hand on my arm.
“It’s alright. Let me go get the water for you. Go ahead and lay back down, okay?” He says as he slowly gets up. “It’s alright, I can get it. I’ll need to use the bathroom anyway.” I answer sweetly. He looks at me for a few more seconds before laying back down.
“Alright, my love. Hurry back though, I already miss holding you.” He smiles as he looks at me. I smile as well and I quickly give him a kiss. “I will.” I carefully climb over him and off of the bed. Taking one of the candles, it immediately lights up, startling me. I then look over at him, noticing he was looking over at me as well with a smile. “Thank you.”
Leaving the room, I quickly make my way into the kitchen. Reaching for a glass, I feel a hand covering my mouth and yanks me away from the counter. “Make any kind of sound and you’re dead.” I hear a voice say. They immediately drag me towards the front, and I struggle to break free. Terrified for my life, my eyes immediately begin to water as the person picks me up to keep me from stomping on the floor.
As we enter into the front part of the shop, I bring my hand up as I make a fist and begin punching him in the face. The guy then slams me onto the hard tile floor, still keeping my mouth covered. But before I knew it he was also holding a knife to my throat.
“Are you really trying to die right now? I told you to keep quiet!” He whisper shouts into my ear. “How about I make you pay for this right now? You’re already naked.” The guy smirks, and I struggle even more to push him off.
“Lay another finger on her I dare you.” I heard someone else say. “Get off of my wife right now or I’ll be the one killing you!” We look over and Undertaker was wearing his cloak and holding a very large weapon. He didn’t even bother to cover his eyes either, and his voice was different. Scary different.
“Your wife you say? Say your goodbyes then.” All of a sudden I feel a burning sensation all around the front of my neck. I tried screaming, but I wasn’t able to get a single sound out. The next thing I see is a large blade tearing through the man’s body, making his blood spill all over me. His body then goes flying across the room, and Undertaker’s weapon all of a sudden changed into a single sotoba.
I was struggling to breathe, and Undertaker quickly searches for something before rushing over to me and carefully picks me up. “Amora, sweetheart. Please fight to stay with me, I’m going to fix you up right now, okay?” I look into his eyes, and he was fighting back tears as he rushes me into the bathroom.
My vision was starting to blur, and I feel him laying me down in the bath tub. “Baby, please stay with me!” I can hear the panic in his voice, and I feel a few teardrops fall onto my face. He quickly wipes away his tears before bringing something to my neck.
“I’m so sorry, baby. This is going to hurt, but I have to do this! Please, please stay with me!” He says a little louder, and I suddenly feel something sharp to my neck.
I didn’t know what he was doing, but he had something wrapped around my neck, and it felt like he was stabbing something through my skin, very close together. This was absolute torture to me, and it was definitely the worst thing I was experiencing out of everything I had ever gone through in my entire life!
I was unable to see anything clearly at all, as I was crying uncontrollably from the pain, though I was still unable to make any sounds at all. I tried to stop him from whatever he was doing to me, but I didn’t even have enough energy to move anything. I then felt myself become extremely lightheaded, and it was getting harder to hear what he was saying to me.
“Amora, I beg you, please stay with me!” I barely heard him say. Remembering our promises to each other, I refused to let my body give out. There’d be no way in Hell I would want him to leave me alone in this world, I wasn’t going to let him lose me.
Fighting as hard as I can to stay conscious, my vision kept going from black to white. I... Can’t... Allow. Myself. To break... His... Heart. Like this! I try fighting even harder to stay awake, and my vision finally stays white, for the moment anyway. I still couldn’t see anything due to all my tears that were pouring out.
“Get off of my wife right now or I’ll be the one killing you!”
“... My wife...”
“... Wife...”That word kept echoing through my mind as I continued to stay awake. We aren’t even married yet, and he’s already referring to me as his wife... Undertaker... I made a promise to you. And I’m going to fight like hell to keep that promise, just as I’d want you to!
Hey everyone! I know this chapter is shorter than my other ones, I wanted to end it with this though. I promise the next one will be longer! What do you think will happen???
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will publish the next one very soon! 🖤

Creature Of A Broken Past (Undertaker x Reader)
Romance(Y/N) Phantomhive is the older sister of Ciel Phantomhive. She had sworn to protect her baby brothers from harm the day they were born, though 4 years later she was taken from her beloved family. She went missing for over 2 years before she had fina...