Chapter 14: An Evening Out

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We were walking back to his shop as we had gone out to eat for dinner. We hadn't realized how late it was after talking, so we didn't leave the shop until around 6:30pm. I just couldn't believe how fast time had gone, I still feel like I had just arrived to his shop an hour ago.

“By the way, I stopped by as I was told you had wanted to see me? I know I took up most of our time asking you questions, you hadn't really asked me much, I do apologize for that.”

“There's no need to apologize, my lady. Who told you I wanted to see you? Not that I didn't want to, I'm really glad you did come and visit. It's a nice change having actual company over.” He says. “Grell told me. She found me over at the House Of Dreams. She told me you sent her out to look for me because you wanted to see me. Also, you don't have to call me 'my lady', it makes me feel.... Awkward I guess.” I was now confused.

“Alright, my dear.” We both chuckle as he gives me a poke. “And she? Grell is no 'she', he's a male. Secondly, I never sent him out to look for you, so I don't know why he told you that.” He explains. “Wait a minute, so Grell really isn't a woman?! Then why does he say he is?”

“He always says he is, but he's not.” He answers. “Well that's a real good answer.” I tease. “I really don't know why, dearie. Perhaps you can ask him that the next time you see him.” He says just as we arrived back to the shop. “Maybe I will...” I trailed off as I stop at the door. “Is something the matter?”

“No, nothing's wrong. I suppose I just need to get going. I had a wonderful time with you today. I just can't believe how fast time went.”

“I agree. You sure you have to go so soon?” He asks. “You know I would love to stay longer. But I told Ciel I would meet him back at the manor after I was finished at the House Of Dreams. I don't need him sending out a search party already.” I joke and we both laugh a little. “Also, I need to get back to work tomorrow. I still need to get some baking done. I assume it's going on 8 o'clock already, by the time I get back it will probably be after 10. I'll be lucky if I get any sleep tonight.” I explain.

“If that's the case I'd have you stay the night here, but I understand you don't want your brother to worry. If you'd like I'd be more than happy to take you back, myself.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I have to get up really early, plus my new clothes are all at the manor-”

“New clothes?” He interrupts. “Yes, Ciel had Nina come over last night, so she could make me some dresses since I didn't own any. This is one of those dresses she made.” I answer as I point to the dress I'm wearing. “Does anyone know that you're of nobility?”

“No, why?” I questioned. “Now I'm not trying to discourage you or anything, but don't you think your coworkers will question you for wearing an upper class dress?” He does have a point. “I never thought of that, you're right. I suppose I'll need to stop at my house to grab my other clothes as well. I still need to grab some baking supplies from there.”

“I'll give you a ride, my dear. Let me go get the carriage ready.”

After gathering everything I needed from my house, we made our way over to the Phantomhive Manor. I had decided to sit up in front with him of course, and keep each other company. “Is there anything on your mind? You seem a little quiet.” He asks after a while. “I'm just thinking. You know I'm a little surprised you haven't asked me what had happened when I was gone, everybody else had asked me that immediately.”

“It's not that I don't care, because I really do. You've always meant a lot to me. I just figured I'd give you a little break from explaining, and wait until next time to ask.” He explains. “That's thoughtful of you, though I wouldn't have minded.”

“Where is it that you work anyway?” He questions. “London's Cake Shop over on Queensbridge Rd.” I answer. “I see why you're always busy. That place is always filled with people.”

“Absolutely. They all go crazy for my treats there.” I answer with a laugh. “Perhaps one of these days I'll have to try something of yours. Your shop isn't very far from mine.”

“I would appreciate that.” I admit. “When's your next day off, my dear?”

“The day after tomorrow. I usually get done around 5 o'clock. I'll probably be heading over to the Marquessate Of Midford around 10am and usually get done around 3 o'clock. So I'll be heading over to your shop after that if you still want me to.” I answer. “Of course I do. We still have a lot of catching up to do.” He laughs. “Right, of course!”

After another half an hour, we arrived back to the manor. “I do appreciate the ride, thank you so much!” I say as I gather my belongings. “Absolutely, my dear. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again.”

“I can say the same thing.” I say as I go to give him a quick hug before I head inside. “It was nice seeing you again, (Y/N). I must say you look lovely tonight.” I felt myself blush a little as he said that. “Thank you. It was wonderful seeing you again too. Have a good night!”

“You as well, dearie.” I make my way inside and look for Ciel to let him know I was back. I set my bags down quick and head up the stairs and to his study, knocking on the door. “Come in.” I open the door and greet him. “Hey, Ciel. I'm back now. I apologize it's so late.”

“It's alright, (Y/N). Where have you been anyway?” He questions. “After leaving the House Of Dreams, I had recognized the streets from before. I ended up back at Undertaker's and decided to pay him a visit.” I explain. “Undertaker's? What were you doing there?”

“Catching up on old times. Why didn't you want me seeing him, Ciel?”

“He's a lunatic. I hardly ever look forward to seeing him, and try to avoid it as much as possible. But when he's the only person who would have the answers I need, I have no choice but to see him.”

“What makes you think he's a lunatic?! He was just fine with me today! He was always my favorite person growing up, I don't understand!?”

“I can say the same to you, but I suppose it isn't really important now is it?” He answers back. I was a little irritated. “I came back to let you know I'm okay. I don't plan on staying here too much longer. If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow your kitchen. I do have to go back to work tomorrow and I need to get some baking done.”

“Very well. Do you plan to go back home tomorrow?” He asks. “Yes, I gave it some thought. It just wouldn't make any sense for me to move back, we wouldn't have any time to spend together. My job keeps me very busy, it just wouldn't be very fair on your end.”

“I see where you're coming from. I understand as the Queen keeps me busy as well. I still would like for you to visit when you can.” He smiles.

“Absolutely! I will definitely do that. But I really must get my work done. I'll see you whenever I can I guess. In case I don't see you tomorrow, I want to thank you for your hospitality, and of course all the dresses!”

“You're very welcome. I don't know when you need to leave for work, but I'll have Sebastian give you a ride.”

“Thank you.”

Creature Of A Broken Past (Undertaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now