(Y/N) Phantomhive is the older sister of Ciel Phantomhive. She had sworn to protect her baby brothers from harm the day they were born, though 4 years later she was taken from her beloved family. She went missing for over 2 years before she had fina...
For the next hour or so, I had explained to everything that had happened to me. From getting captured on my way to the Midford house, to being placed in some kind of black market auction twice, and all the way to escaping, where I had been shot. During that time though, Tanaka had turned back to his smaller form.
“I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I can assure you nobody had given up on looking for you. Every day mother and father would go out looking for you, while Tanaka would keep watch on our brother and I. Even Diedrich and Chlaus would help, along with Undertaker.” Ciel explains. “Undertaker?”
“Yes, tomorrow we'll be paying him a visit. I suppose Aunt Francis will be very pleased to see you alive after all-”
“Speaking of which, you were claimed to be dead too. What's your story?” I questioned, curious to hear what had happened. “Considering you told me your whole ordeal, I suppose I'll tell you mine.” He then looks over to Sebastian. “Sebastian, prepare some more tea, and then continue on with your duties.”
“As you wish, my Lord.” Sebastian gathers the cups and teapot and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. “It was the day of our 10th birthday, we had been told we had to wait until after dinner before we could receive our other gifts, so we went to play until Tanaka would come and get us at 6 o'clock to eat. We continued playing until we had finally looked at the time, to which it was a quarter to 7. We knew it was unusual for Tanaka to run late, and why he hadn't come to get us. So we went to go see what was going on. I knew it was strangely quiet in the house, and there wasn't anybody in sight. We had finally found him and learned we were being under attack. He told us to run as fast as we could, but someone went to attack us, to which Tanaka threw himself behind us to protect us. That was how he got his injury. Soon after that we were taken to this place where there were other children locked in cages as well. The people that kidnapped all us children were devil worshipers, a cult, and they would sacrifice the children to try to get what they all wanted. I tried to protect our brother, but he was soon taken from me, and they killed him. I had managed to escape as well, and I also killed everybody that was there.” I looked at him in complete shock, with tears in my eyes. My little brothers had gone through hell and back like me, and I wasn't able to protect them.
“We were there for about a year before I had escaped. That was when I met Sebastian, and he has been working for me ever since. He is a very able butler, and I will be honest, I want revenge on everyone that is responsible for what happened that night, and I want those who humiliated me to suffer the same as I had gone through. That is also where Sebastian comes in, he will be helping me with anything and everything until I achieve my goal.”
“But Ciel! Is that really necessary?! I just found out I have at least one of my brothers back, I don't want to lose you again! Ever since you two were born, I made a promise to father and mother that I would protect you-”
“But you were never able to. You of all people should understand why I am doing this! Wouldn't you want those who have humiliated you to suffer like you did?! Our brother was taken away from us, and we will never be able to see him again!” I stared at him, completely dumbfounded, tears running down my face. He has a very good point, and I was out of words to say back. Just then Sebastian came back into the room, pouring us each a cup of tea.
“By the way, I must ask you… What the blazes are you wearing?!” Ciel asks, making me almost choke on my tea. I’m currently wearing a blouse with a pair of pants I had made myself.
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“Haha, well you see, I haven’t been able to afford the appropriate dresses for nobles like myself. And I didn’t want to buy just any random dress! Also, nobody knows I am of nobility, or that I’m even a Phantomhive. Nobody would believe me anyway. As for my pants, I made them myself! I think they turned out just lovely! It’s almost impossible trying to find any kind of pants for women, so I learned how to just make my own.”
“Nobody knows that you’re a Phantomhive and that you’re even alive?! So what have you been doing these last few years? What have you been going by, and where have you been staying?” He questions. “Again, nobody would even believe me. As for what I’ve been doing, I’ve already told you. I’ve been searching all over for Tanaka so that he could help me with that. But now that I’ve found not only him, but you as well, maybe you can? As to what I’ve been going by, I only give out my first name and never my last. I’ve been living at an old house that has been abandoned, but still furnished. I’ve finally just finished fixing everything that needed work.”
“How very interesting-” Sebastian begins to say before Ciel cuts him off. “Sebastian, contact Nina at once! Have her come over as soon as she can. Tell her (Y/N) has returned, and she is in need of dresses!” Sebastian faces Ciel, bows down once more before leaving the room. “Yes, my Lord.”
“Hold on, Nina Hopkins?!” I questioned. “Yes, is there a problem?” All the memories I had growing up with Nina tailoring dresses for me came flooding through my mind, making me shutter at the thoughts of seeing her again. “N-no, not at all!” I lied and nervously laughed. “I’m just surprised she is still designing clothes for you, is all.”
“It’s only obvious, (Y/N). Her family line has outfitted many generations of the Queen’s watchdog. I am now the current watchdog for Her Majesty.”
“Of course! I hadn’t forgotten, haha.” I said as I nervously scratched the back of my head.