We all enter into the training room, and Undertaker and I were walking hand in hand. Before I go to sit down I turn to face him, and he does the same to me. “I’d wish you good luck, but I already know you’ll defeat him.” I smile as I look up at him. “But because I love you, I’ll go ahead and say it anyway. Good luck, my darling.”
“Thank you, love. I love you too.” He smiles before giving me a kiss. I go to sit down as he goes to take his place as he is handed a epée. “Have you ever played any fencing?” Aunt Francis asks him. “Not at all.”
“The object of the game is to use your weapon to strike your opponent whilst avoiding being hit yourself. Simple, ruthless and can be painful. With the epée both fencers may score simultaneously, unless it is the deciding point when neither strike counts. Only the tip of the weapon may be used and the entire body is a target in epée. Matches will be contested over three 3 minute rounds, with the winner being either the first to 15 points or whoever has the most hits after the three rounds.”
“This shall be a piece of cake considering he’s never played. I will easily defeat you within the first round, so get ready to say goodbye to Amora!”
“Pretty confident in yourself, are you? I hate to break it to you, but I won’t be the one losing here.”
“Sure you will. I’ve got years of training with swords. If you’ve never done fencing, your chances of defeating me is next to none.”
“Just because I’ve never played such a game doesn’t automatically mean I couldn’t fight in a real battle. If you continue to underestimate your opponents like that, you won’t be making it very far.”
“How about you go suit up to keep yourself from getting hurt?” Edward mocks. “I won’t need to, there’s no way you’d be able to strike me anyway. Why don’t you? You’re the one who will need it.”
“Don’t make me laugh, there’s no way I’d lose to you!”
Once they began, Edward makes the first move, and Undertaker was blocking every attack like it was nothing. It wasn’t long before Undertaker scored the first two points, and Edward was struggling to even get close to him, making me laugh.
Soon Edward tries going for his legs, but Undertaker quickly jumps into the air, making him miss yet again. “Seems your having trouble landing a strike on me. What did I tell you about underestimating your opponents?” Undertaker asks as he gains another point.
“There’s no way I’m going to let myself lose to the likes of you!” Edward yells as he manages to make a strike.
By the end of the first round it was already 12-5, and it wasn’t going to last too much longer as Undertaker just needed 3 more points to win. “Why don’t we just end this right here, you know I’ve already won your little challenge. I only need 3 more strikes against your 10, save yourself the embarrassment and admit your defeat. I told you I’m perfectly capable of protecting Amora, and I just proved to everyone here that I’m not going to be easy to defeat.”
“This isn’t over until one of us makes 15 points, I’m just getting started! I’ll never let you marry Amora!” Edward shouts as he barges towards Undertaker. He of course misses, while Undertaker scores another two.
“Give it up already, now I just have one point left.” Undertaker says as he makes the last point. “Now zero. I believe that makes me the victor of your challenge. Just accept it, Lord Edward. I’m going to marry Amora whether you like it or not. I love her, and I would never even dare hurt her! I’ve already said I only wish to see her and make her happy! I only ever wish to see her happy and nothing else!”
He turns around to face in my direction before he stops to hesitate. He then looks back at Edward. “Look, I don’t want to leave any hard feelings. I do appreciate your concern over her, but I promise I’m not going to do anything to cause her any kind of hurt. I also want to say you put up a good match, but not good enough if you ever want to defeat me. With that said, you still did pretty good considering nobody has ever been able to make any kind of hit on me in a long time.”
Everybody was pretty much speechless after seeing how well Undertaker did, aside from me of course. And the person who seemed to be the most speechless was of course Edward. “Mr. Undertaker, I had no idea you can fight that well. While I know you aren’t of nobility, have you ever considered becoming a swordsman or a knight for Her Majesty? She can always use a person with skills such as yourself.” Aunt Francis asks as he makes his way over to me and wraps his arm around my waist.
“Victoria, eh? Not a chance in the world, I don’t much like her. She just sits back and watches while Lord Phantomhive does all the dirty work for her. Doesn’t seem fair to me. And you are exactly right, she does ‘use’ people. I’m not for that, thank you very much.”
“How dare you talk about Her Majesty like that!” Edward yells. “Besides, I thought you assisted with the duties of the house of Phantomhive!? You were basically working for her then!”
“I still do in some sense as I will provide any information Lord Phantomhive here needs that I can give him. However, I only accepted to assist the previous earl as he was my closest friend I had, so of course I gladly offered him my help. But I will never work for Victoria herself. It’s not okay for anybody to use other people for their own gains, and I’m certainly not going to let myself be used for anything.”
“That’s contradictory! How can you say you would never allow yourself to be used, yet you let the previous earl use you and now Ciel as you just said you provide him the information he needs!” Says Edward.
“Ah, but I can’t be used if I was willing to assist him. As for the young earl here, he knows the price to pay for me to give him any kind of information he may need, it doesn’t come for free. Therefore, I won’t be used. However, with that said there have been a couple of times and will possibly be more times when I will provide them for free, just because I like to be nice.”
“So what you’re basically saying is, you didn’t make the previous earl pay for any information, but you make Ciel pay?!”
“I’ll leave that to your imagination what you want to believe. It wouldn’t matter how much or how little I’d tell you, my lord, your level of care for me wouldn’t change one bit, now would it?”
“Amora, while we are here, would you like to have one of your lessons now?” Aunt Francis asks. “If today hadn’t been so... Eventful I might have said yes. It’s been a really long day for Undertaker and I, I think it’s best if we make our way out. We appreciate you all having us here and I apologize for the inconvenience we brought on to you all.” I answer as I take hold of Undertaker’s hand and leave the room.
Once we made it out to the carriage, it didn’t take long for Ciel and Sebastian to catch up to us. “Undertaker, can I talk to you?” Ciel asks as we both turn to look at him. “What do you need to talk to him about?” I questioned.
“There’s a few things that just don’t add up to me. For instance, earlier he said there has been so much more that you have been going through and continue to fight through.” He then looks at Undertaker.
“I’ve never seen you mad or even fight before, yet you defeated Edward like it was nothing. And another thing, you said nobody has ever made a hit to you before, that Edward was the first one in some time. Care to explain those to me?”
“I’m not one to fight, but that doesn’t mean I can’t when I have to. I’ve enough scars throughout my body. And when it comes to protecting Amora, you best believe those will be dead who try to harm her. It is true that since her business was placed into the paper, those same people and more have been trying nonstop to kidnap her and/or kill her. As long as I’m around, I’ll never let anyone take her again or kill her.”
“Nonstop? What do you mean?” Ciel questions. I didn’t hear Undertaker answer, and before I could look over at him he walks over behind me. I then feel his fingers underneath my chin and makes me look up.
“This is what I mean. They’ve been doing all they can to get to her, even breaking into our place throughout the nights. What happened today, those people were trying to break us apart to get an easier way to her. Obviously it didn’t work. This here happened in the middle of the night last night. She got up to use the bathroom and to get a drink of water. To neither of our knowledge, someone was in the house and attempted to abduct her. As soon as I realized she was in trouble, I immediately got up to go save her. When I made myself known, he slit her throat, and I killed him. Because I do what I do for work, I was easily able to stop her from bleeding out even more and closed her wound in time.”
“Are you kidding me?! Amora-”
“That doesn’t add up, because she should be dead with such a wound as that. On top of that, she shouldn’t even be standing!” Sebastian says.
“Why do you think I said that she is the strongest person I know? Strong, brave, resilient and extraordinary? Because she absolutely is. I made sure she kept awake, and she fought through all the pain and blood loss to stay awake while I cleaned her up and stitched her. I agree, if it had been anyone else they would have died soon afterwards, but not Amora. She’s already been through hell and back, and fought through so much worse, yet she continues to fight with everything she has. She is beyond remarkable. I made sure she was comfortable, ate up and drink fluids, so she can rebuild her strength. I gave her a special kind of pain killer that rids the pain almost instantly, and she has been doing a remarkable job handling all this as she has.”
“Having this happen, everything that has happened earlier with us, and this just now-” I explain as I point to the Midford Manor. “We just would really like to go home. It’s been a rough day, and I am getting tired.”
“How am I supposed to let you guys stay where you’re constantly in danger?! If you refuse to stay with me at the manor, why don’t you stay at the townhouse? Or let us rebuild your old house?”
“Lord Phantomhive, you know very well of the dangers of having her stay at the Phantomhive manor-”
“And he still has his job to do. He shouldn’t have to travel from point a to b to do his job every day.”
“And I’m certainly not leaving her all alone, so I can do my job. And what would be the point of rebuilding her home? Her attackers know exactly where she lived. Should they find out her house has been rebuilt, what’s to stop them from burning it down once again? I’m not putting her back in that danger of getting herself in the middle of a fire again. I refuse to lose her yet again!”
“They know she has been staying with you, who’s to say they wouldn’t burn down your place! If they keep breaking in, the next thing they’d do is set it on fire! Then what!?”
“Just... Take us home, okay? We need a little break from everything, and I’ll figure something out and let you know what we decide.”I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!
What do you think should happen next?! What do you WANT to happen next?! Please let me know! 🖤

Creature Of A Broken Past (Undertaker x Reader)
Romance(Y/N) Phantomhive is the older sister of Ciel Phantomhive. She had sworn to protect her baby brothers from harm the day they were born, though 4 years later she was taken from her beloved family. She went missing for over 2 years before she had fina...