Chapter 1: Introduction

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It is the year of 1887. My name is (Y/N) Phantomhive, and I am 18 years old. I haven't lived what you would call a “normal” life. Up until I was 10 years old, it was pretty great. I'll even go as far to say that it was a dream. You'll find out about that soon enough, and just why I say it was a “dream”.

It wasn't until after I had turned 10 when my world came crumbling down beneath me. The 2 years after that were absolute Hell, but the following 4 years were a complete blur. I honestly couldn't tell you what had happened during that time, even if my life depended on it. So now, I'll tell you all about it.

I was born in 1869 in the City of London. My parents were both born into noble families, so it was only obvious that they had to marry each other, right? Except for the fact it wasn't an arranged marriage, they had already fallen in love with each other at somewhat of a young age.

With that said, they did have me when they were just 18 years old. Despite the fact that they were so young, they made sure they did everything they could for me, so I would live a happy life. They had already been engaged before they found out, so once they did they moved their plans, so they would marry before I would arrive.

I remember the days we would go on boat rides, play games (some silly), occasionally go on hikes and picnics, even bake cookies and cakes with each other. I also remember my father was always busy with his job, so we had to make plans with everyone together around his schedule.

As I recall, he worked as the Queen's watchdog and protected London with everything he could. As for my mother, she would stay home and raise me as she couldn't do too much since she struggled with asthma. On the days she would be sick in bed, our head butler would take over, and we would play chess or other games.

Other days my Aunt Angelina would visit and help take care of me. Aunt Angelina and mother were always so close to each other, she hated seeing my mom struggle with asthma, so she worked on becoming a doctor. She wanted to find a cure for her older sister's respiratory condition.

When I was 6 years old my mother gave birth to twin boys. I was so excited when I got to meet them, I would always offer to help take care of them. From the very moment I met my baby brothers I knew I wanted to protect them from anything and everything.

It wasn't until after they had turned 1 when I had finally talked my parents into letting me train in protecting them. So from there I would train 2 times a week with my other aunt on fencing and using swords. However, shortly before my brothers turned the age of 2, we discovered the younger twin suffers with the same respiratory condition as our mom. Of course after learning that I had asked to train more often. So I was allowed to visit my aunt 3 times a week.

At the age of 3 they became interested in the game of chess after watching father and I play, so they wanted for me to teach them how to play as well. We had made it a routine to play against each other almost every night before bed.

Though it was unheard of and unusual for a person of nobility, I knew from around the age of 8 or 9 that I wanted to run my own bakery and also become a photographer. I always enjoyed baking treats for my family every week, and my brothers' love for my baking made me want to have my own shop even more.

As for photography, I always enjoyed looking through all kinds of books with photos. Whether from the circus and animals, or any other events that took place in London. With that said, I always found beauty in things that others would normally never find beautiful. In other words, I always had an eye for the oddities in life. Always seeing the world in my own way and found everything that was "different" to be beautiful and magical. Even the things that other people would find horrifying, disgusting and weird.

I remember taking photographs of and with everyone in the household every month, and other photos in pairs just for fun. Because our manor was rather huge, we had around 30 servants at the time, so I had a large collection in photos.

Even when my father would have visitors and host charity events, he would allow me to photograph him with other relatives and with his closest friends from time to time, even some people he would work with.

I vaguely remember there being a certain someone who my father would invite from time to time, though that may be due to the fact I only met him a handful of times. I remember him saying he was some kind of informant for my dad, I never knew his name, but I remember him being one of my favorite people I have ever met. That was also probably because most other people found him really weird or some kind of lunatic, though I never understood why. I do however, remember he would always make me laugh by doing some kind of tricks, and we would always joke around.

I had been looking for my father when the youngest of the twins came running up to me. “(Y/N)! Have you seen Ciel? I can't find him anywhere!” I could already hear the panic in his little voice. They were 4 years old at the time, and they were still inseparable as ever. “Calm down, I'm sure he is around here somewhere. I'll help you find him.” I wasn't even able to say anything else as he had already taken off running. “Hey, wait!” I yelled out to him. “Hurry up! I need to find him, what if something happened?!” I ran after him as I tried to get him to slow down. “I'm sure he is just fine, now slow down before you get hurt!” I had finally caught up to him just as he was turning the corner. But because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, he had ended up running into someone and fell backwards. I looked up to see who it was and seen it was father's informant.

“I told you to slow down before you got yourself hurt! You need to watch where you're going!” He sat himself up, rubbing his forehead and already started crying. “I'm sorry!” He shouts.
“Oh my, who do we have here? Well if it isn't the little Phantomhives.” The man started laughing. It was the first time my brother had met him, so he started trembling in fear. “Now which one might you be? Ah well, I suppose it doesn't matter. From my humble point of view, they are both Phantomhives anyway.”

“I'm sorry, sir. For my little brother. I told him to watch where he was going.” I apologized quickly as I helped him up. “Hehehe, no worries, Lady (Y/N). They are little kids after all.” He started laughing again. “I remember when you were their age, you were doing the same thing.” Just then we heard Ciel yelling from behind me.

“Oh! There you are!” Ciel says as he runs up to his brother. “Don't just leave without me!” He begins pulling on his arm.

“But-” Our father then walks out from one of the rooms. “What are you boys doing over here? Shouldn't you two be helping your mom?”

“Yes, we're sorry!” They both say as they quickly run off. “And what are you doing, (Y/N)?” He asks as he turns to face me.

“I'm sorry, father. I was only helping him find Ciel as they had gotten separated. Also, I wanted to come see you.” He puts his hand on my shoulder as he looks over at his informant. “I apologize if my children had bothered you any.”

“Heheh, They were no trouble at all, Lord Phantomhive. I always enjoy seeing Lady (Y/N) around and this was the first time I've met your boys.”

“I'm pleased to hear they were of no trouble. The boys can be a handful at times. Though, I need to get going as something just came up.” He says as he turns to face me. “I know you wanted to see me, but I will see you later.” He then turns back to his informant. “I will stop by the shop on Thursday to meet with you.”

“Father, can I come with?” I asked hopefully. “No, dear-”

“Now if she really wants to, why not? She's getting old enough to see what I do for work.” His informant interrupts. “I don't know, she is still a bit young to know about that.”

“Lord Phantomhive, don't you remember learning of it? I know you were younger than she was.” I look up at my dad, confused about what they were talking about. He hesitated for a moment before finally answering.
“Alright, (Y/N). Just this once I'll take you with me.” He smiles as he looks down at me. “Really? Thank you so much!”

“Yes, well I really must get going. Will you go help your mother and brothers?”

I never did get to go with my father that day. The following day something had happened that would change my life forever.

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