ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 25.

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ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴀ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

"For fuck sake! Every fucking time!" Vincenzo groans, pulling me back up beside him, on the seats. He quickly buckles up his pants and opens up the parting, calling someone. I turn around to see two cars behind us

"Two cars and I'm pretty sure they are a total of seven or eight men." I say sitting back down properly. "Hai la pistola che ti ho dato?" He asks taking out a gun from under the seats.

{Translation: Do you have the gun I gave you? (Italian)}.

I nod my head, showing him the gun. "How good are your shooting skills?" He asks, rolling down the window. I smirk rolling down my window. I take my chance and shoot at one of the shooters, shooting his arm.

Just as I shoot his arm, distracting him for a minute, Vincenzo shoots him. Ha, he looks like Deadri- Cedric. Nevertheless, he died. May he rest in peace, AMEN!

ᴠɪɴᴄᴇɴᴢᴏ's ᴘᴏᴠ:

She giggled- she fucking giggled. I look at Amelia in shock as she giggles at a time like this, her mind in her own world.

I turn my attention towards the cars shooting them back. They should be here now. Just then I notice the men inside the cars, dying one by one. I look up to see the snipers, in a helicopter.

I look towards Amelia to see her smiling, I turn back sitting properly on my seat. I should've tortured them, they started shooting at a really bad time. The second time I got interrupted for fuck sakes!

I call Andrew asking him to send some guys for cleaning up the bodies. After around ten minutes we reach Amelia's house. Dropping her off, I make my way to the warehouse for training a guy.

There is supposed to be an important fight tonight. I rarely do this but if it is an important fight, I train my guys, myself.

As I walk in the warehouse, everyone greets me, looking down in fear. Come to think of it, she isn't scared of me. I make my towards the training room to see Ryder, who will be fighting tonight, training.

As it was already four in the evening, I take off my coat, getting in the ring with him. The fight is supposed to be at eight, so for the rest of the day I teach him some techniques along with other moves.

By the time we are done it's already half past seven, we make our way out the warehouse, towards the cars. I get in the car with Andrew, while Ryder, along with a few other guys, follow us in another car.

A/N: I'm sorry but that's it for this chapter.

I feel sorry for Vincenzo and Amelia getting interrupted everytime😂.

BTW CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME WRITE A SYNOPSIS!! Like I'm really bad at writing those, as you can tell already. If someone knows how to write them PLEASE HELP ME. I BEG U.

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